More about Renault

Renault appears to have had two plans in recent days with regard to the sale of its Formula 1 team. The first was to sell the British operation to Prodrive. Sources are suggesting that this deal is done and that it will be announced today if the Renault executive board of management agrees the arrangement. The body consists of chairman/CEO Carlos Ghosn, his chief operating officer Patrick Pelata and six executive Vice-Presidents: Odile Desforges, Michel Gornet, Philippe Klein, Thierry Moulonguet, Katsumi Nakamura and Jerome Stoll. Their decision will have to be confirmed by the full board of the company at some point, but it is probably not important enough a decision to need the board’s agreement.

It seems that there was a secondary plan to sell the team to Gravity Racing International, a team which has been running a Mosler MT900R sports car in GT racing. The team belongs to financier Gerard Lopez, who made his fortune as an early investor in the Internet phone company Skype. Lopez tried to buy the Sauber team last summer but failed to land the deal. The team is related to Gravity Sport Management, which manages a number of drivers, notably Ho Pin Tung, which no doubt explains why the Chinese driver has been seen testing for Renault.

It is worth noting that the name of Carlos Ghosn has been mentioned as possible new head of General Motors. The previous chief exceutive Fritz Henderson stood down as chief executive on Tuesday night after the firm announced further losses despite its restructuring in July. GM Chairman Ed Whitacre has become the interim chief executive while it searches for a replacement.

3 thoughts on “More about Renault

  1. It’s getting a bit late to announce it today, do you reckon they’ll bury it tomorrow? You know, save the bad light falling on the Regie?

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