5 thoughts on “Sign up for a last-minute Christmas gift…

  1. Thanks Joe,
    Am going to renew my subscription from home later today.
    Since we are at it, there’s a question I always wanted to ask you: At home I read GP+ on my 24″ HD monitor. How come that when reading your PDF at 115 % the pictures are quite heavily pixellated?
    In the meantime I wish you and your colleagues a very happy & merry Christmas.

  2. Hi Joe
    I am going to renew again, only this time I wish to use my British Barclay Visa (Sterling), and I live in Canada ..will it go through ok as I dont wish to get into the currency thing switching it into CDN $!
    Merry Christmas to you all and thanks for such an informative year

  3. Joe, do the emails you send out notifying subscribes a new issue is available say the result/magazine title/subtitle in the subject line?

    I don’t get to watch the races live and I just couldn’t bare to have them spoiled by checking my inbox before I got to watch the race.

    What do the issue notification emails look like? Thanks, Dave.

    1. They are not emails unless you choose that option. It is done by Twitter, Facebook etc – all from the blog message so the headline reads “coming soon” or “four hours after the race”.

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