
Over the summer break some people seem to have forgotten the Blog Rules. There are too many people who fire off abusive comments, without thinking. Saying things one would never say to another person if you were face to face. Everyone is a hero when they are hidden behind their little monikers and their fake e-mail addresses. The fact remains that I am not going to publish such comments, so those of you who do this are wasting your time. I do the best I can to sort out what is really happening in F1 and my sources and connections are wide-ranging and in the know. So just because you might read a contrary story somewhere on the Internet does not make it right. There is so much crap out there. This blog is designed to help fans see the sense in what is happening.

I don’t have a problem with being wrong. It happens to us all from time to time. It is an inevitable part of the game of trying to sort the wheat from the chaff. Having a bunch of know-it-alls writing abusive and disrespectful things seriously weakens my desire to interact with the F1 public. Most of my colleagues think I’m nuts to waste so much time on these things, and there are times when I feel the same way. So please, if you want to be able to go on making comments, try to make them positive, respectful and non-personal. It is just no fun dealing with the negative stuff all the time. The blog rules are as follows:

“People are welcome to comment, but they should always remember that this is a privilege, not a right. Any posts that include unpleasant and abusive language will not be published. Joe has no problems with passionate comments and sensible debate, but remember that you are part of a diverse community and it is necessary to be respectful of others. Some of those posting are from the F1 community, and know what they are talking about.

“One can be critical of statements, but try to avoid personal attacks; try to talk about the motorsport world, and skip obscenities, political rhetoric, and anything that might give offence. If you ignore these rules you will be banned. And your future posts will go straight into spam.

“It is always best to include a proper email address with your comments as Joe can then contact you if there are things that need to be discussed outside the public domain.”

113 thoughts on “Commenting…

  1. Absolutely correct. As Joe has said before and many others have commented – it’s HIS blog. HIS – he’s invited you over to his place.

    If it was a cafe that Joe owned and people started kicking off in this abusive manner you’d call the Gendarmes (is that spelt right?) and have them all thrown out.

    Joe provides all this info, insights and opinion FOR FREE. If you want recycled crap that The Sun prints you have to pay for it, online or offline, or informed proper info from Autosport (who Joe frequently scoops), once again, you pay – so please, some respect folks.

  2. As a web publisher myself, Joe, I fully appreciate where you’re coming from, but it’s best just to ignore the idiots; this is not a battle you can win. They are too many and we are too few.

    George Carlin said it best: “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”

    1. It’s worse than that as you can have people with an I.Q. over 150 but someone with one of 50 would probably not be able to write a comment on here. Thus you need more low I.Q’s to balance off some high I.Qs. There are more idiots than you might think!

  3. Very rarely comment but read most columns (on the email that gets fired out each time one is posted). I know there are trolls and idiots out there in the internets. I know there are times Joe gets it wrong – but those times are rare.

    But why on earth anyone would behave poorly on a personal blog is beyond me. Why anyone would make abusive comments here is also beyond me. Grow up people. If Joe stops writing this blog we will lose a valuable and informative resource which is almost uniquely without commercial filter.

  4. I do realise that even thought I’m not giving an offensive comment in my opinion, it might be interpreted that way by others (because of my failed attempts to be witty). I will be (more) careful in my wording when commenting.
    I do appreciate the interaction possibilities you give, Joe, keep it up please.

  5. Hear Hear Joe. Personally I am very grateful that you do take the time and effort to share your knowledge with us. I hope that passionate but respectful posts are sure not too much to ask.


  6. For those of us who can remain civil, your efforts are very much appreciated Joe. As for the others, as in other walks of life, they are best disregarded as nothing more than background noise.

  7. Joe, I think what you do is wonderful. I subscribe to GP+ because of this blog and a desire to read more. Please just ignore the rude and abusive people – they try to spoil things for everyone!

  8. I’ve been reading your work for years going back to the Autosport days, and you are one of the few writers whose work I trust to be accurate who has a blog like this.

    The comments are superfluous. Your insight into F1 is what I come here for and would rather you stopped the comments, than lose the will to carry on with the blog.

      1. Thirded.

        Darren has expressed my own thought very well.

        I was just thinking it must be 20 to 25 years that I’ve reading Joe’s writing.
        His intelligence and perspective have always shone through.

        I don’t always agree with all of his opinions, but that’s on rare occasions. But Joe’s opinions and views are always worth listening to and respecting.

        I just don’t get why people would give abuse.

    1. I disagree; sometimes people ask things, or bring things to the comments, that entices Joe to give extra information. I remember more than one article over the years where his follow-ups in the comments were far more revealing than what he put into the article itself.

      Obviously if the choice were to be between blog-with-no-comments and no-blog-at-all, I’d have to choose the former, but I’d far rather he kept them.

  9. I feel for you Joe. It is not nice if you are spending your time to help/inform the community and then receive abuse as a thank. Just wanted to let you know that some (I assume the majority of us) greatly appreciate what you do. Please keep going and the comments are often very informative and it would be sad to loose them. Thank you for it all. Just go ahead and ban the wa*****.

  10. One of the best features of your blog is the fact that a reader can interact with somebody who actually knows his subject.

    Of course one is more likely to be motivated to participate in a debate when putting a contrary view. That shouldn’t ever involve abuse and those individuals who go down that route just show themselves up and ruin it for others. I find most of your correspondents pretty well informed and passionate about the sport even when I might not agree with them. It would be a tragedy if we allow a few ill-mannered oafs to ruin it for the majority.

  11. if i want cold hard facts, i’ll look at Autosport. If i want to delve deeper into whats going on, i’ll look here. if i want nonsense, i’ll read Planet F1’s comments section

    1. Ha! that is so true! at first due to the new facebook log in it calmed down but now they are right back where they were before. I stopped reading them and just tend to read winners/losers and teammate wars

      1. winners/losers and teammate wars by Andrew Davies, who, not once but twice this week claimed Massa out qualified Alonso at Spa this past weekend. Teammate wars since edited (but not noted) – Is that sort of journalism really worth a read?!?!

        I’d recommend sticking to Joe’s blog – I suspect you would be much better informed that way!

  12. I will never understand this trait in people as long as I live. I read your blog to gain perspective on everything else that’s published. Whether you are right or wrong is irrelevant to me. Often your pieces “set the scene” to a given news story. After reading it, I myself can see the logic of what’s happening and can then filter out the useful news snippets from the dross.

    I can only assume people out there are jealous of your position, and therefore try and kick you whenever you are perceived to be wrong, or slow in reacting.

    Often they are looking at the trees, and miss the wood entirely, normally innocently mentioned by you in the middle of a post weeks before said news event!

    Why can’t people just be happy you give them something to read? I am. For every idiot posting crap there are plenty of grateful readers. Please don’t forget us!!

  13. There is no excuse for the posting of abusive comments on a public forum. It is no more than cowardice.
    It’s one thing to post an honest opinion but to add malice is unacceptable. In legal terms anyone posting these type of comments is open to writs of defamation.

  14. Joe,

    If the comments are causing you too much stress, then I for one are happy if you turned them off. Rather that than having you get frustrated with the whole blog and not wanting to continue with it.

    I personally visit to read your opinions, and I never really bother too much with the comments myself. I don’t think one can ever ward off all the trolls, so it’s an unhappy consequence of allowing comments I am afraid.

    1. I’m amazed and grateful Joe spends the time he does to read and reply to comments; thanks for that, Joe. As for turning comments off,rrubbergoat, I find them informative and (mostly) thoughtful and enjoy the give and take between Joe and posters. It’s especially interesting when a post hits a hot button; we’ve seen over two hundred posts on some topics. Unfortunately, it’s the hot button posts that also seem to draw out the stupids.

      Again, thanks Joe.

  15. Well Joe I don’t normally comment on these things but I’m 100% behind you. There are a lot of sad people out there with no lives, friends etc who spend all their time writing drivel. You’re a good investigative journalist with no axe to grind so keep up the good work and as other commentators have said it’s your blog. Freedom of speech still rules.

  16. Having a bunch of know-it-alls writing abusive and disrespectful things seriously weakens my desire to interact with the F1 public. Most of my colleagues think I’m nuts to waste so much time on these things, and there are times when I feel the same way.

    Genuine question, but what value would your entire involvement with F1 have if you (and your colleagues) did not interact with the public?

    Keep up the great work – you’re head and shoulders above most!

  17. I think it is pretty easy to understand for those who wish to be constructive. You wouldn’t go to someone’s house and take a dump in the living room or call their wife a wh*re. But on the Internet, some people seem to let go all sense of civility.

    I am a big proponent of anonymity on the Internet; the Government(/s) has/have no right to know my thoughts or actions, and consequently, if this blog were to move to requiring real names, I’d stop commenting altogether. But I do get your point.

    Then again, you not publishing those comments is the reason I come here; I don’t have to go through drivel to find insightful comments.

  18. Joe, I always read the blog, but rarely comment. I have been to every ‘evening with Joe’ you have done here in Melbourne. Keep up the good work and ignore the idiots!!

  19. I hope this doesn’t discourage from continuing to write this blog. Since coming across this webpage nearly a year ago I find myself a regular visitor and always enjoy reading your articles.

    I wish people could show some respect.

  20. Good on you there are far too many idiots using the BLOGS to make themselves feel important. They contribute nothing and destroy good will

  21. Absolutely agree with al these comments. Seems to em the answer – if your blog host’s technology allows – is simply to ban the abusive morons from commenting.

    Keep up the good work, Joe.

  22. Well said Joe, Bruce and I very much enjoy reading your pieces, and look forward to catching up with all things F1 at your Audience in Melbourne next March. Keep up the good work.

  23. Joe, I agree 100% with your thinking…I kindly suggest that there is maybe a rule that must be put in effect: no valid email, no privilege to post or spam-listed…a little annoying and tends to “idle” the posting in the beginning but maybe it helps…Particularly, in my case and I know most of all feel the same way, I find your work very deep in knowledge, not biased, sincere and with a good intention. Regards from Dominican Rep.

  24. i dont know how much crap joe gets but sadly its super easy to change your ip address so it could just be 1 person whos taken a dislike to joe, i cant see why it would be a lot of people causing problems as this blogs brilliant

      1. In that case Joe, you have to do what is right to make the blog work for you. We, the mature readership of your blog, would rather your time was spent on the continuation of your editorials and taking us deeper in the F1 world for many years to come.

        If that means you need to turn the comments off, then fine. We have your Facebook page, where comments can be made under genuine profiles. If it means you entrusting the comments to be moderated by a group of selected moderators, then give that a go instead.

        My point and that of many on here I see, is that you can’t beat this thing through reason, because the internet (and the world in general really) is full of the type of people who just want to spread hate and set things on fire to watch them burn.

        So I implore you to take whatever action is necessary to make the blog something that is only ever a positive experience for you, that leaves us the community, safe in the knowledge that any abusive commenting isn’t going to wear you down to a point of wanting to pack it in.

        1. Leigh, you have a great idea in there.

          Joe, I’m sure you could find some of your current readers willing to help you weed out some of the comments you are getting and acting as a filter for you. You have a great community of readers, so why not help that community help you.

          I think you should explore the idea of asking for a set of moderators to filter out the responses you get and hopefully, not only would that ease the amount of work on your end, but also eases your burden of dealing with all the garbage out there.

          Cheers – discovered your blog about 4 years ago and it has been the first site I visit each morning since. Would hate to lose the comments as they are at times as interesting as your original post!

          1. Yeah. If anyone is in dire need of some moderators, it’s you. No good reason you should be spending so much time and patience on the knucklehead stuff.

        2. Moderators. Interesting, best idea I’ve seen, short of Joe simply turning off the Comments—which I’m all for as well, as I’ve long wondered what’s in it for Joe to devote countless hours to dealing with the haters. Nothing you say will change their behavior.

  25. Well said Joe. I, like most out there appreciate your blog AND the opportunity to reply when I have something to say. As has been pointed out above there are many mindless people out there and I commend you on your patience and hope that the trolls go elsewhere or that you do not loose faith that what you are doing is worthwhile. Is most certainly is!!! Thank you

  26. Sadly, it is a fact of the internet age that we have so many trolls and abusive posters, on here and elsewhere.

    There’s no quick cure, other than policing the site and taking them off.

    It’s a thankless task and one that we are grateful to Joe for pursuing.


  27. While agreeing with all the previous comments, it’s possible that as with all internet “trolling”, gradually it will pass. I well remember the early days of e-mail with countless copies of irrelevant and “funny” material from business colleagues landing in my inbox and that’s apart from the unwanted spam.

    It would be useful if you could set up an idiot filter, much like a spam filter, but maybe these people will eventually revert back to Planet F1 or, from whence they came.

    I also follow David Emmett’s excellent website on MotoGP matters and he has exactly the same problem.

    Perhaps the instances of abusive and ignorant comments would reduce or even stop if people were not allowed to go on the internet after they’ve spent the evening down the pub.

  28. Joe, like others I’m probably part of your silent majority – so thanks for what you do.

    I got fed up reading regurgitated press releases and the like. I’d read Autosport for many many years but now only the occasional feature article appeals so I terminated my subscription. I found this blog and GP+ – can’t remember how – and immediately realised what I had been missing. I used to love Eoin Young’s writing around the subject and his travel anecdotes etc. I’m not sure if I appreciate your business insights or your other stories more.

    Whatever, its your blog so you make and enforce the rules but please keep going as I’m sure that there must be more of us that are positive about what you do than negative. It can’t take too much effort to block people as necessary though it must be wearing to read.

    Are you going to be selling cheap lobster online soon?

  29. Just a thought Joe have you ever considered getting some help with the moderation of comments here? Surely some here have experience with moderation at some forum or such.
    They could weed out the obvious idiots and mark questionable posts for your consideration. Could save you some time and cut down annoyance of dealing with negative stuff.

  30. Joe, I appreciate the work that you put into this blog, to keep a true fan informed of what is actually happening in the F1 world.
    Maybe a pre-register system, where anyone that wants to make a comment, has to pre-register, with correct details, and if they don’t pan out then cannot post on the blog. True it would take work on your part, but maybe get rid of all the disrespectfull trolls out there.

  31. Well said Joe

    Please keep up the good work though – this blog is my main source of information 🙂

  32. This is the only F1 site I visit on a daily basis. Thanks for your time in doing it Joe, it is much appreciated.

    and thank you for allowing comments, as they really add to the blog, especially when it’s about a developing situation, or we get additional input from the likes of Karen etc.

    1. “and thank you for allowing comments, as they really add to the blog, especially when it’s about a developing situation, or we get additional input from the likes of Karen etc.” — I totally agree with this.

  33. Being a bit of an old timer (having attended F1 races at Mosport and Watkins Glen) and now having returned to the state of Michigan I must say I enjoy your blog. There’s nobody to talk directly with about F1 so I find your reporting to be excellent. Since I’ve just recently “discovered” your site I don’t have much to add to discussions. Thank you for your hard work.

  34. Over on Planet-F1 (good opinion pieces, cut’n’paste news, suspicious links to Sky), they have just changed their comments section to being Facebook-based. This I suspect has sent a lot of trolls In Joe’s (and Andrew Benson’s) direction as they have not yet figured out how to create Facebook accounts in the name of Hugh Jarse or Norma Snockers.

  35. For every rude person who contacts you, there will be a thousand or more polite / silent people who read your blog and see no need to respond either positively or negatively. The shame of it is, like all troublemakers, the trolls are a loud minority. Please don’t let them put you off Joe, your insights are very much appreciated.

    I found out recently that one of my former students was anonymously trolling her friend on a blog, and then responding as herself to offer support. One has to question her motivation – when I raised it with her she denied it, but the evidence was there for all to see. Of course she has now lost a host of friends all of whom know that she did it – what a sad and pathetic person she has turned out to be.

  36. Joe,

    Thank you for taking the time to write this blog. It is the only one of its kind. Your perspective on the sport is so unique and so very much appreciated. Don’t let negative people get you down. There are many of us that really appreciate what you do.


  37. Joe, I’m a regular reader of your blog (I take a look pretty much every day) and a subscriber to GP+. I don’t often comment, but I do come here because of the insight and background you have to the news stories that are flashing around F1. I really appreciate the blog, and hope that you can keep it a positive experience for yourself. For one, I enjoy reading the comments, as the majority of what we see is well-informed and interesting. I have no idea how much you have to filter out for this to be the case, but if that’s ruining the experience for you then remove the comments. It’ll be a shame for us that enjoy reading them, but we’d understand.

  38. Thank you for putting yourself out there on a daily basis, it is no fun being attacked for writing what you think is right and about something you love. I don’t always agree with you but I also don’t have the years of knowledge and contacts you do. Please keep writing.

  39. What is the point to have comments section if you only allow the comments that agree with you? It makes this boring.

    With your continued complaining (sorry that is what it sounds like) about commenters, I feel you fail to embrace the requirement to be an objective neutral journalist.

    I thought my last comment you deleted was very tame. I had to think for about half a second to come up with shell shill. I assume this comment will be deleted too.

    Honestly if you take more than 5 minutes out of your day looking at comments you have no life. I assume you have a life.

    1. chazmania, a couple of thoughts:

      If this site is boring, don’t visit it.
      Joe obviously allows contrary comments, including yours.
      A blog is not meant to be an objective news source, it’s meant to have interaction, comments, and editorial content.
      Your comment was not deleted.
      This site takes way more that 5 minutes a day out of Joe’s life, so I guess he doesn’t have one.

    2. @chazmania:

      1. If you read the comments on most posts you’ll see that this is not the case.

      2. Does objecting to poor quality / ad-hom comments conflict with objectivity? Is a blog a place to be objective anyway?

      As for taking time out of one’s day to moderate comments, well, that’s the point, isn’t it?

    3. Sorry, in my experience it’s not about agreeing with Joe.

      The last time (or possibly the time before) Joe came back after taking comments offline I posted something saying I disagreed with his line on the tendency of team PR folk to not provide a full and coherent answer because they were answering the specific question which was asked rather than volunteering additional information – and he politely published it.

      I support absolutely Joe’s right to moderate / delete comments which are (a) rude, (b) irrelevant, (c) political, or (d) off topic

    4. I think the fact that you think your last comment was ‘tame’ shows that you are not interested in a proper discussion and just want to show how great you think you are and how other people, despite their obvious huge amount of experience, do not know anything.

      If you don’t like the blog why do you not go elsewhere and have a moan there?

  40. Joe,

    You are “da bomb” . Please ignor those that are abusive. Not sure why anyone would be critical of your free and highly insightful inside information. As a life long F1 fan (started at 10 years old (1967) at Watkins Glen). I really really appreciate your daily updates.

    I hope in someway that my positive feedback conteracts those who may deride what you are doing. Please keep it up. 🙂



  41. Well said Joe; it’s a sad sad world that there are some Muppets about with nothing better to do. I’ve been an almost daily reader of your blog for 5-6 years missing it when you take a well earned holiday. I value your opinion which is often proven to be correct. Please Please keep up the good work, and ignore the trolls

    thanks for all your work


  42. Joe, what happens if somebody simply makes an error in their e-mail address? I say this because it’s something that’s happened to me before… (for which I apologize)

    Best Regards,

  43. Thanks for keeping the comments open despite people who abuse the privilege: I really enjoy reading both the articles and the comments, and think it would be a great shame to lose them.

    Though I don’t have the info to back this up, I’d guess that spending the time and keeping it going would actually help you promote your books, events and GP+, as well as generally helping the fans who read it understand F1. Look at Richard Herring!

    So, thanks again and please keep it going.

  44. As a former assistant manager for a fairly high end hotel company, I know what it is like and how the negativity can wear you down. Some folk really get off on finding (or perceiving; there is a difference) fault with others. I guess it makes them feel better about their own miserable lives. Anyway, it really blows me away that in a sport where everything costs, a lot, you continue to give such a quality product away for free. You are the first I go to when seeking Formula One news. It’s kind of funny how I take it personally when people attack your comments; we’ve never met, and probably never will, but halfway around the world, I feel like your’re my connection inside the F-1 Paddock. I look forward to every edition of GP+ (and highly recommend it, for what my recommendation is worth). I sound like a sycophant, but I am sincere, and encourage you to keep with it, despite the naysayers. Thank you for this service.

  45. As a former F1 worker I read and watch as much as I can on the sport. I read a great deal of uninformed dross but when I see JS as a link I head there first and foremost for intelligent and informed opinion as this cuts through the “cut and paste” reports/rubbish that others use (that tell me next to nothing) and you get to the heart of the matters at hand. As to the abusive comments that you receive, pity them. They will never stop (sadly) but they do come with the territory if you become a public blog but I am sure you can rise above them. We need JS.

  46. Agree with your sentiments Joe.

    At their best, I do find the comments enrich the blog, so I hope you don’t feel the need to turn them off.

  47. In my youth I only had to deal with social misfits who developed beer muscles at my local bistro, but at least I could decisively deal with them mano a mano.

    The entire internet muscle thing is waaaay out of control on all social levels.

    Do what ya gotta do to preserve your sanity and keep those interested informed; bag the comments section entirely if you must.

    Thanks for all the hard work!

  48. Dear Joe, and Joe’s “Community”,
    In the spirit suggested, I have changed to my real name. I support you, Joe, without reservation, and sympathize.
    It must be remembered the internet is, for many, an entire alternate reality, and a chance to live a life outside of physical existence. That many choose to make that life one of narcissistic actualization by whatever means at their (limited) disposal is hardly surprising, though lamentable. The pseudo-experts, and glad-handling naysayers, are easy to spot, and ignore, though I would prefer they be blocked.
    Your blog is notable to me by your participation in the comments section, and much the better for it. The opportunity to discuss or even argue with the author, an author with credentials, is uncommonly valuable. That you have readers taking their time to interact with you with thought and at times passion, should be seen as the compliment it is. The separation of those readers from the ‘internet rabble’ shall not always be easy, or easily done, and the ultimate responsibility and control is inescapably yours, Joe. This is yours.
    Consider this a vote FOR your creation, and also FOR the ability to interact via the comments, while also acknowledging the difficulties inherent, and your right/obligation to deal with them in ANY manner you see fit.
    I don’t always agree with you, but I am always interested in your ‘take’ on a subject or event. When I look objectively at our obsession with this world of F1, it is somewhat ridiculous, but it inescapably IS.
    Thank you, Mr Saward

  49. Thanks, Joe. Sometimes a benevolent dictatorship is exactly what is needed to eliminate the bad apples who ruin it for everyone. Sadly, the first rule of internet discourse is, “do NOT feed the trolls!”…

  50. Joe, part of me agrees with your colleagues who think you are mad to do this – but I am enormously grateful that you do. The insight, intelligence and analysis you provide are rare things indeed, as is the breadth of material that you cover. This is not only my first port of call for F1 updates, but also that of many a true F1 fan. While it is a pity that there will always be a vocal, ignorant and rude minority, I live in hope that one day the idiot filter will be invented and you will not have to waste your time with people like that.

    Thank you so much for everything you do. Please carry on your excellent work and let’s hope a few of the idiots find some happiness in their lives or just take their anger elsewhere.

  51. JC
    No Blog Rules needed if there are no Comments. I read your blog Joe, if others want to start their own blogs I might read those also. I don’t see the need and have no desire for Comments to your blog.

  52. If the buggers wear you down Joe, and you then block comments, I would understand. I would be disappointed though, because the debate often teases out issues/points that benefit from further comment.

    Should you ever get to the point of saying “enough is enough”, please consider allowing GP+ subscribers to still comment. On the one hand I fully understand why you might think “sod it, enough”. On the other, it would be a pity if the trolls were able to spoil the fun for those of us who try to exercise a bit of decorum.

    Whatever you do, I’ll still read your blog and I’ll still subscribe to GP+. There is no way I’m going to shuffle off elsewhere, simply because we can’t comment. That would mean those trolls with an agenda have scored a ‘victory’.

    By the way, my e-mail address is genuine; it’s the one I’ve used for over a decade.

  53. Just thought I’d post a comment Joe, saying how much I (and I’m certain many thousands of others) appreciate having your insight into the F1 world. I may not comment here much, but I really do appreciate you running this blog.

  54. Well said Joe.I often wonder how you find the time for all this, but i’m very glad that you do .I don’t comment often but i read all of your blog every day.The two week break was like trying to stop smoking!
    Your doing a fantastic job.
    Many thanks please keep going!!


  55. Hi Joe, I think you should disable comments, They seem to regularly get you upset. I would imagine that most of the readers of your blog are like me in that they visit your site to read an informed opinion of a recognised expert and are not really interested in the views of self appointed commentators

    1. True the blog could survive without the comments,but the majority of comments are very interesting and well thought out and create interesting debate amongst people who love and understand F1 . Also it’s world wide we see a different perspective on all subjects! Joe sets the scene and we agree or disagree but it’s allways interesting .
      Even Motorsports magazine Internet respondents lack the depth of knowledge of the commenters here – so my guess is we are brighter because of Joe’s efforts.
      This is without doubt the best and informed blog I have found.
      I subscribed to GP+ this year – it’s excellent . Maybe the way forward is to only allow GP + subscribers to comment,but allow new comers X amount of comments before becoming “full members”
      I like it the wat it is… But if needs must..


  56. Dear Joe, I have just changed my profile to use my real name, as a subscriber to GP+ I think there is a case to be had for putting the whole site behind a pay wall, maybe a GP+lite for a nominal amount (say ÂŁ5 a year) that gets you the blog as it is and GP+full that gets the full works for the current price of GP+. I am sure having to register a proper email address and pay a small fee would scare off the trolls who could still get banned if they are offensive, with their subscription being non refundable. Just a thought

    1. Hi Neil,
      A minor counterpoint to paying for the privilege of commenting: It might empower the trolls to an even greater degree as they are now subscribers. Imagine the howls if Joe blocked any knuckle draggers that have PAID for the access?


      1. Hi George,
        Fair point but I’d say Joe has made it clear on numerous occasions what the rules of his blog are, these could be re stated at the point of people signing up, with a warning that transgressions of the rules will result in them being banned from being able to post any further comments but not from viewing the website. If I was Joe I’d be quite draconian but Joe being a reasonable man could give a warning to those who post comments a little out of order or a straight ban to those obviously trolling Joe. I would be sad if Joe removed the comments from the blog as I feel they are a feature that make this website special and if Joe got some money for his time reading through and replying to worthy comments I don’t think any of us would begrudge him that.

  57. Joe,

    I greatly appreciate the work you do to filter comments on this site and the interaction with your community here in answering questions and responding to so many curious F1 fans. In short, thank you very much for providing and policing this platform.

    I enjoy reading the comments here. I enjoy making comments here. They often open my eyes to nuances I wouldn’t have otherwise appreciated and as often as not provide interesting nuggets of information on areas beyond mere motorsport. Occasionally I learn about other interesting sources of information, for instance the work of Miss Kate Walker.

    I do not use my real name for commenting. I am acutely aware of my surname being very rare (it’s the other five letters of my email address) and therefore am very very easy to find on Google. To the point where it would not be a challenge for anyone with my name to find the house I grew up in where my parents still live. I find that concerning. Jem is not my original given name but it’s a nickname I’ve used for years, to the point where some of my friends don’t realise that it’s not my name. I identify with “Jem” more than what is written on my birth certificate.

    Should you eliminate comments from this blog I would think it rather a shame but it is, of course, your choice. I get the impression that you appreciate the comments, either because you find some of them genuinely interesting or you get a kick out of educating and sharing your passion for F1 with people. An alternative, and I’m sure you’ve mentioned it before, would be to tie blog commenting to GP+ subscriptions or similar. I suspect that most of the people who comment here actively (and positively) are GP+ subscribers, those who are not would likely pay up.

    The sad truth is that as your blog becomes more popular, it becomes easier to find. As it becomes easier to find, the number of “difficult” users will only increase, faster than the increase in the number of responsible fans. Personally I agree with the proposal by Leigh Bewell and Jefe (others have suggested it on previous occasions) to consider asking for volunteer moderators, but the blog remains yours to do with as you wish and you appear resistant to this idea for your own reasons.

    To close by repeating myself: thank you for providing both this blog and its comment sections. I greatly appreciate the work that goes into both.

    All the best.


  58. Joe,

    I can only add my appreciative support of your stance and work to the very many here, and add that the number of your readers represented here who are current or past F1 people speaks volumes for the quality and value of your journalism.

    By all means banish the trolls to the cyber pit they deserve, but please, please leave Comments open to the rest of us, who rate highly the privelige of participation with you and each other in an intelligent, reasoned manner.

    And : Nil Illegitimus Carborundum (…don’t let the bastards grind you down!)

    See you at Albert Park in March ’14.

    John Shackleton

  59. Dear Joe, a number of points from me about your blog:
    A friend who is also an F1 nut pointed me in your direction
    I really look forward to your posts, particularly when at work
    I really hate your holidays and “radio silence” .Its like withdrawl symptoms
    Please ignore the idiots and keep the many followers informed with your well written, accurate, timely, and above all interesting comments about the sport and world that we all love
    I will be at Monza as a guest of Red Bull, so if I can I will try and “bump into you” and introduce myself.

    PLEASE keep blogging!

    Kind Regards

    1. Great comment lol “I really hate your holidays and “radio silence” .Its like withdrawal symptoms”

      Lol I too really resent it when Joe takes a holiday!

      Perverse as it may seem I also do like it when someone puts something dumb on here (not abuse though), and Joe takes them to task (that includes me!), maybe its voyeurism or schadenfreude.

      I’d miss the comments but not pointless abuse.

  60. Dear Joe,
    I first came across your blog last year and found it a real breath of fresh air. I had been looking for someone who spoke without fear or favour since the demise of DSJ and WB. It is so nice to have your column, warts and all, that reports in an informed way on happenings in the F1 world.

    Please keep up the good work and keep us all informed. If the internet trolls make life unpleasant for you I would rather have your column without comments than lose your input.

    Kind regards
    Gerry Sugars

  61. Well said Joe!!
    I really wonder what happened to reasoned arguement rather than some of the abusive garbage that is “written” by those who should not be allowed the use of a “pen!!”; IMHO most of them do not have 2 brain cells to rub together!!
    I really do enjoy your jottings, they do give an insight into a sport that is by and large unavailable anywhere else. So more power to your elbow.

  62. I wish other comment websites and blogs had such a great policy as yours, Joe. Sorry you have to screen the offensive comments so the rest of us don’t have to put up with them!

  63. Dear Joe, like many others have said – this blog is a great place and it would be a shame if it stopped because of stupid people. I don’t comment often, it seems I do it mostly when these discussions start up 🙂

    WordPress is rich with plug-ins – you could probably find several that could help with the whole comments problem that are simple to set up.

    You could have users registered directly to this blog, with email verification. That would throw out a lot of people with fake emails. It would be simple to just block bad people from commenting further (on the same account at least).

    Still not perfect, but lessens the load. Captcha’s on registering would get rid of most of the bots.

    This would also enable have trusted users who don’t need moderation, or maybe could help moderating the comments, and marking those that are maybe more in need of answering, though it seems to me from previous comments that you are not fond of this idea.

  64. Well said Joe, I find the negativity on F1 forums is growing out of control. Its mainly people who do not posses the skills to have an exchange of conflicting views without letting their emotions boil over and become aggressive when loosing the battle of views.

    You do a great job Joe. I run a blog, not on the same scale as you, it’s just about a certain leisure activity but I still get people launching attacks on myself and my views and also on other posters. I mainly find people who think they “know it all” will attack the less knowledgable and poeple who are just getting to know about the chosen subject. This makes me very sad when I read these posts and can share with you the feeling of wandering why you bother.

    Your blog is one of the best on the net along with JA on F1 as neither publish unnecessary posts.

    Thanks for your hard work and dedication, please don’t stop the comments section

  65. It’s interesting you should raise this issue again. I don’t blame you, it’s a perfectly reasonable stance to take. I myself have been drawn been ‘drawn in’ to topics well away from my principal reason for reading your blog in the first place. Although I understand why you allow, almost, all and sundry to write in, and not just subscribers, after a year or so of ‘contributing’ (if that is what one can call it!) I’ll stick to reading, not writing. Good luck and looking forward to the next issue.

  66. Joe; have just returned from holiday. Was sorry to read this post and so soon after the recent ‘ban’ was lifted on comments. It’s such a shame that there are a not insignificant number of ‘dickheads’ STILL out there who seem to want to visit this site because they don’t like the blog and are not able to articulate their feelings in a sensible way. If you don’t like food at a particular restaurant you’d have thought that the best thing to do would be to just not go there! The same with this blog; surely, if you don’t like what Joe says (or think it’s all crap) then stay away – get your information from somewhere else. Alternatively, just go and visit some of the Premiership football club blogs, you’ll feel at home there! I for one continue to value the work you put in here Joe and just hope it continues and is not jeopardised further by the ‘dickheads’! On a positive note, have just returned from the Northumberland coast and sampled some lobster after being prompted by your post on Cape Cod a week or so ago; absolutely delicious.

  67. PS – Joe, if it’s any consolation (and I appreciate that it probably won’t be!) I also follow another blog totally unrelated to F1, related to classical music in fact. You’d have thought that something as ‘soft-sounding’ and cuddly/feely as that wouldn’t attract the kind of gits that seem to take regular pleasure in grinding you down. Well you’d be wrong. The guy that runs that particular blog only recently put out a not dissimilar post to yours. It would seem that the internet has bred a rather strange kind of person that takes perverse pleasure in regularly visiting places and sites that they dislike! How odd, to spend your time engaged in an activity you don’t enjoy?

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