In case you’ve not seen it…

This is the seasonal review film that was made for and shown at the FIA Prizegiving in Monte Carlo in December. I happen to think it is one of the best pieces of editing of F1 coverage – and an indication of what can be done. Just imagine what F1 could do with a film edited like this from a Hollywood studio…

48 thoughts on “In case you’ve not seen it…

  1. I’m almost certain that’s the same gravelly voiced man who did the voice over for the BBC for the start of the 2009 season. Also reminds me of the Beebs best work.

    Great footage with my only criticism being I found some of the use of crash scenes/flaming cars a bit tasteless right near the start.

  2. Cracking!

    Not put together by the company behind Bernies ‘official film’ by any chance?

    The company MD lives up the road to me…

  3. Honestly how can the video summaries on and the official F1 season review be so sterile when the FIA allows something like this to be put together? That was awesome!

    Especially impressed that the FIA allowed the director to portray the team orders debacle in such a cynical way…sums up exactly how the audience felt at the time!

    One last comment – was that really Max Mosley on the dancefloor? I dare not double-check!

  4. I take issue with the Guinness-advert intro voiceover claiming that the age of the racing machine began 60 years ago…

    And I prefer carbon fibre bodies to bikini-clad ones, but I’m probably in a minority there.

    Those minor criticisms aside, what a mind-blowing piece of footage. All those memories! Only a few short weeks to go before we can start collecting the next set. 🙂

  5. This is nothing compared to the work of Antti2, a Finnish motorsport fan. His videos, tibutes and themed mini-films, are stunning, especially when you consider his age, and his being devoid of a studio. His Ayrton Senna feature video, uploaded for his 50th, was quite simply superb. Perhaps comparable to the big screen version. Unfortunetly, due to FOM policy, his videos are scattered across the web, as oppossed to being in one neat youtube channel. A quick youtube search of antti2 or antti2fan will reveal some of his work. Here’s the Senna video, definitley worth a watch, and a download, Joe. May not be of great interest to you, having seen Universal’s work, but something to enjoy on the flight to Melbourne, I’m sure.

    Also gives an idea of what Formula 1 could do to market itself, and its potential in the Hollywood world. Fabulous.

  6. In fact, Joe, and fellow readers, at the risk of causing his personal youtube account to come crashing down, check this masterpiece out, even if you already have:

    Merry Christmas.

    1. Tom,

      I saw it on the evening of the FIA Prizegiving (funnily enough), but I forgot to post it. That is all. As you can see from the comments the whole world has not seen it…

  7. Fantastic! This is why I have been follow F1 for the past 30 years. In future all those people who tell me F1 is boring will be sent a link to this clip. Is there anywhere I can download a HD version?

    PS. Love ya’ work Joe. Keep it coming. Will you be doing another drink & chat session in Melbourne this March?

  8. Thank you Joe. These 10 minutes were well worth the 25 quid sub for GP+. Do you know who did the editing? Brilliant-there is no other word for it. Much appreciated.

  9. All that video tells me is whoever is in charge of marketing and brand management at FOM needs a bullet.

    If a child was to see that video it would get them hooked as did happen to me in the early nineties. That is my big issue currently for the sport. Where is the next generation of fans going to come from as in its current state, and the way it is being delivered, why on earth would someone decide to follow this sport?

    F1 has so many opportunities to bring in new fans but as always in some way, shape or form it fails to capialise to its full potential. Oh, but thats right – viewing numbers are up.

  10. Great video. If you want see a compelling racing story, then Truth In 24 is a must see. It was filmed by an arm of The National Football League, narrated by Jason Statham, absolutely beautiful in HD, and best of all free from iTunes! It follows the trials and tribulations of Audi during the run up to the 2008 24 Hours of Le Mans. I highly recommend it for any avid racing fan.

  11. bloody hell joe i watched this great piece of work and emptied a whole pack of chips not even noticing that I did so. thanks for the video!!!

  12. Great film of a great season, it’s quits similar to some of the BBC films shown through the year, did they make it?

  13. F1 doesn’t actively promote itself, think of the level it would be at if it did.

    The only thing I didn’t like about the video was the awful pop music drowning out the wonderful sound of the cars.

  14. I completely agree…. It gives a complete overview of the season that was in just 10 min. That is absolutely brilliant.

  15. Great to see this again, I agree, the editing is great, much better than some of the videos from previous years. The scene at 5:59 made me laugh 😉

  16. I’d rather see more racing and less celebs and girls in Bernie’s daughter’s rags. I dig chicks and all that but there’s a time and a place…

  17. JOE
    Thats sensational … love the early footage a film would be to easy .. Another money maker for Bernie… on another note are you conducting the evenings with Joe again this year?

  18. why not? there was a film released recently which made Ballet interesting. Just one thing no Sylvester Stallone.

  19. I had to turn it off when that vacuous harpy Paris Hilton showed up, followed by a bevy of near-skeletons in skimpy attire. Now, I’m all for showing F1’s glamorous side, but I also have a penchant for good taste and dignity.

  20. Thanks for posting the link, Joe 🙂

    The first few minutes are brilliant, but then it goes very “celeb” … :(.

    This is my favourite F1 video:

  21. Does that mean you downloaded and watched the link I sent you, Joe? Hopefully at some point he will have some sort of opportunity to make videos on a commercial basis, he seems to be a nice guy.

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