5h30s after the chequered flag – an 80-page e-mag about the Monaco GP

An 80+ page e-magazine, with all the stories from Monte Carlo is now ready for downloading – just five hours 30 minutes after the chequered flag.

Written by some of the most experienced and respected writers in the sport – who actually attend the races – with great photography. And all in record time… just a few hours after each race.

For more details of how to sign up for this year’s subscription, consisting of 19 race issues, plus a further 80 magazines FREE in the archive, go to www.grandprixplus.com.

It’s an amazing deal!

23 thoughts on “5h30s after the chequered flag – an 80-page e-mag about the Monaco GP

  1. Way too slow this time Joe.

    Good old James Allen posted the race results and report 30 odd mins before the flag had even dropped.

    If I was his mate Paddy Power would have something to worry about.

    Keep up the great standards.

    1. Thomas,

      I think that James made a mistake with the red flag. I believe you will find that he cancelled the first first tweet with a second one…

  2. Can’t wait Joe!
    Excellent interview with Adrian Newey in the last edition,
    I understand fully his intuition with drawing and designing by hand and not a computer.
    More of it please…

  3. Well done again. By chance nothing serious happened to Sergio Perez.

    Page 69 : since the first GP of the year the total number of laps is missing in the “Pit Stop Summary” given by Pirelli ?

    Pit Stop Summary – 2011 Monaco Grand Prix ==> 78 LAPS

    1. Sombrero,

      I think that the people at the FIA and the FIA Institute would take umbrage to your remark about “chance”. Safety in Formula 1 is scientific and based on research and a great deal of effort. Every single corner on every track has been examined and the safety maximised for the circumstances, so blithely declaring that it is all down to luck is misinformed at best.

  4. Taken out a subscription Joe, seems silly not to for £25 and a back catalogue. At the very least it is worth a punt for the season.

    Do you enjoy the Monaco weekend Joe, or is it one of the more stressfull weekends on the calendar because of the crazy shenanigans? Can you recall any one particular GP weekend in all your years as being particulary hellish?

  5. “Written by some of the most experienced and respected writers in the sport”

    So, not Kevin Eason then. Just read his teeth itchingly annoying self important puff over on The Times website.

    @Joe: please ignore last post. Damn iPad auto-correct…

  6. Joe,

    Excellent magazine as always, really enjoyed reading the old school stuff.

    What do you think of Lewis’s post race interview with the BBC?

    After reading his twitter timeline, I am staggered! He has about a million death threats and racist attacks in his inbox. If you are subjected to this sort of abuse regularly, it must be at the front of your mind when you are quizzed by the media.

    1. Carl,

      A racing driver does something amazing. At the end of a race he is is hyped up with adrenaline and at times they say things that they later regret. I think that Lewis was frustrated all weekend. It is ridiculous if the FIA penalised every attempt at an overtaking manoeuvre at a place like Monaco, where the only choice is to take a risk. Without drivers trying (which is the result of penalizing attempts) the races at Monaco will become even more dull. The Stewards at Monaco (in my opinion) were far too strict. Maldonado might have been smart (as Michael Schumacher was) not to turn into Hamilton when he found him on the inside. Sadly Pastor was not… The only option is to change Monaco.

  7. well if button needs a sense of perspective he should check out today’s INdy 500. I’m ashamed to say I burst out laughing…

  8. Nice work again. I think I’m fast becoming The Hack’s biggest fan. Bit of a gripe though re DT referring to a disturbing incident on which he omitted to elaborate. I’m writhing in an agony of curiosity. Painful.

  9. Totally unrelated, unless you think of where’s nice to make deals, but might impact F1..

    Not a month since we discussed broadcasting F1 over the internet here, getting there by way of wondering how Murdoch might fulfill free to air broadcast requirements of the FIA, someone gets about to fixing the infrastructure:

    “”It’s too expensive renting DVB-T multiplex space to deliver Sky Sports to BT Vision customers, so we want to send it multicast.”

    Which could mask many other reasons, could even be forced by Sky demanding or enforcing bitrates or general quality of service terms (service agreements are onerous always, but takes real nuts to try to enforce them, hmm)


    Now, i speculate hard this is not a forklift upgrade, but enabling features that already exist and baking off the tests. The ugrade bit could be as modest as improving bits that get strained, or could just be all on a normal capital schedule. But interesting timing, that announement, immediately following Monaco, on a bank hol.

    (Monaco’s USP for corporate types concocting deals being private homes from which to watch race & party, hide from press types, much as the whole gig. Also hard on heels of MIPTV, a big content/distribution jolly/mart which makes racegoing look cheap, if you permit 6 weeks for the hangover.)

    But, for a monopoly telco, that’s almost as fast as GP+. They been taking lessons, Joe? 🙂

    . . .

    Tony Hirst,

    awesome work mate! Neato blog, too – stats and journalism commentary, right up my street. Thanks.

    – john

  10. Lewis was indeed a lucky man, that he did not damage his car while doing those overtaking maneuvers and being allowed to having the rear wing fixed during the Red Flag period.

  11. Joe,

    Sorry for off topic.

    I have a question about this (from Autosport):

    “Although teams like Red Bull Racing are understood to use around 45 per cent of throttle flow for the blown diffuser when the driver is off the accelerator, sources suggest that Renault’s use is as high as 95 per cent ”

    Do you know something about McLaren and Ferrari amount of percentage? Thanks.

  12. Dear James,

    Would you please explain to us how Scuderia ferrari marlboro is possible I mean the marlboro bit, my friend is writing thesis in advertisment law and she is saying it is very interesting, I am very interested in her so as a your l blog reader decided to ask you as the info I found on the net is somehow inconclusive and my friend is very accurate.
    Thank you
    Best regards


  13. Hi joe, just finished reading the Monte Carlo Issue; I am very glad I signed up at last, it really is a great product.

    There is a picture as the background on p.29 which is absolutely amazing, I was wondering if you could tell me where/when it was taken? (I know its off topic, and you’re busy so only if you have the time.)


  14. kls, or James, or M,

    i cannot actually answer that question, but i could have a crack at the circumstances – pointers really, i’m not up to wading through that amount of law, that’s your thesis prep! – in terms of private speculation. Ask Joe, if he’ll pass on my email. Open secrets tend to be allowed as comments here, there’s plenty other than me here who pay attention, so why not read back? And look for Joe’s encyclopaedia and earlier work, too. Without that last bit, you’ll not understand the progression of events, and as i just said, i’m offering pointers not grunt work 🙂

    where the heck do they tutor theses like these? Very interesting. But learn your math and stats, too – they have strong bearing on proportion even in law. Cannot emphasise enough.

    – john

  15. Hi Joe,

    This was my first GP+ and I just wanted to say I really enjoyed it. Definitely worth the money and I can’t wait for Canada’s!

    Cheers very much

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