McLaren delays announcement

McLaren has said it is delaying the announcement of its drivers until “after December 1”. This means that either the team is still deciding, or that it has decided and wants to take the decision out of the clutter of the Abu Dhabi weekend.

The only other story worth mentioning today is Bernie Ecclestone talking about press passes. These stories come from Ecclestone’s pet journalist and they are quite obviously flawed. The Commercial Rights Holder, Ecclestone has no influence over accreditation, although he did try to buy control of the media passes from the FIA not long ago and was rebuffed.

The story comes from a source who knows exactly how the system works because he cannot get press passes from the FIA for his own activities.

Perhaps it would be better to ask Mr E for a pass as the Formula One group’s press officer.

117 thoughts on “McLaren delays announcement

  1. That’s what I hate about you Joe. Always sitting on the fence, always pussyfooting around the truth! Hahahahahah!

    1. Ah, Eric, another name (or two ;-)) from the old days of F1 News magazine, where I first encountered Joe’s writing. Good to see you. 🙂

      1. Yes, F1 mag was a lot of fun and good reading. Joe’s pieces were the first parts I looked for, rather like Roebuck’s column in AS was always the first item I read.

        1. What happened to that guy Rubythin? Loved his book on Senna but wasnt impressed with the one on Hunt. The film about it was better!

          1. He was never really a committed F1 journalist. He was always just passing through. He is now a UKIP candidate in the next election. He never knew Senna. He collated the work of others to write the book. Nothing new in it, if the truth be told. Anyway he moved on to politics, where the movie is better

  2. Just a thought, but is the McLaren delay in any way tied to Alonso waiting to see if Hamilton agrees a post 2015 contract with Mercedes post Abu Dhabi? With a Mercedes works seat seemingly and understandably very much Alonso’s preferred option, a decison to commit to Mclaren Honda for more than a single year might be very unwise until knowing if a Mercedes seat is not available for 2015 onwards.

  3. Or, the cynic in me says that just like the “delay” in announcing the new sponsor pushed back to Dec 4, 2013, there just won’t be any drivers….permanently. Instead they’ll sell the seats week to week like they did with the side pods this year.

    I love Macca, but they continue to look the fool.

  4. Jenson Button & Honda have had a good relationship in the past, when he was a Honda driver, so it would seem sensible to keep him on.

    If Bernie doesn’t want you in the paddock, you won’t be allowed in the paddock.

    The big intrigue is whose going to be McLarens title sponsor next year?
    My guess is welcome to Japan…Be Moved.

  5. I know I’ve suggested this before, and I know some will think I should be wearing a silver foil hat but I would especially value Joe’s opinion…could any of these delayed driver announcements be to do with teams considering that they may be required to run three cars next season?

    I’m thinking specifically here of a Ferrari team of Alonso, Vettel and Rakkinonen, tied in with Alosno’s comments that when people see what he does it will all seem obvious. I’m just throwing it out as a theory. It probably won’t happen but are do any of the teams think it might and are hedging their bets until they know for sure?

    1. I do not see how three car teams are possible in the time available and with the contractual restrictions that exist

    2. My theory when Alonso said “it will all seem obvious”, was that he will:

      A. Go to McLaren, or
      B. Take a year off and then going to the WEC.

  6. Joe,
    One other possibility is that they cant make a decision due to some factor outside the teams control. IE Alonso and\or Ferrari prevent them from making a final decision. If they want to take the announcement outside the Abu Dhabi weekend then they could just set a date now. They chose not to set a date, so the decision is likely not made. If Ferrari know there driver line up, why have they not announced? So with two teams not announcing one has to assume it is the common denominator (Alonso) that has both sides at a stand still. He cant get out of Ferrari with the terms he wants is the most likely reason why. So who will blink first? Ferrari and give Alonso what he wants, Alonso who goes to McLaren soon without what he wants or McLaren says to hell with this and leaves Ferrari with three highly paid drivers.

  7. As I become older then so time seems to pass me by so much more quickly. Before I know it March will be upon us and presumably McLaren will have to announce/ declare their driver line-up by sometime around 13th March 2015

  8. On more serious note: people, who pretend to know the best about business apsects of Formula One – and work like voice of Mr. E, have no paddock accreditation. That’s weird.

  9. Yes well Bernie is not supposed to make the rules either, yet we have all sorts of secret rules that he devised now being brought into play.

    We often see Bernie presenting a dignitary or head of state with a special encapsulated pass which is presumably a “get you and your bodyguard and mistress in anywhere for life”

    So presumably he not the FIA controls the issuing of passes, just not the press accreditation.

    Though of course if Bernie decides you must go, we know that ways will be found to encourage you to do so. Ask Adam

  10. Hilarious plot for a comedy. The marriage is dead and buried, but each party is waiting for the other to commit the adulterous act that will free both of them at last. Of course both want to avoid paying the other compensation. So they wait.

    I guess Flavio is advising the wife. The husband here [Mattiacci] is confident he can see her off without paying her for the privilege.

    Only an experienced divorce lawyer can know how this will pan out.

    Meanwhile, poor Jens is getting a raw deal. Can’t imagine Ron Dennis is liking this too much either…..

  11. “She wouldn’t say yes, she wouldn’t say no. All she’d do is sit and sew” – Old english folk song. I will have a smile of two if Ferrari and Red Bull wax McLaren Honda’s tail next year because of the way that they have messed around our national treasure, Sir Jensen!

  12. I just cannot help wondering if this delay is a delicious payback to Alonso, when at the last possible second Ron is going to say “sorry we don’t want you” leaving him with no drive.

    Bernie, it appears, has suddenly woken up to social media and the internet and now wants to stop it, or at least stop people writing stuff about him on it.

    1. I am fricked off that anyone thinks that Jenson Button is a no mark.

      I’m amazed that that anyone thinks differently.

  13. Is this the same December 1st that they announce their headline sponsor?

    They are never that specific about the year, are they….

  14. One of the great things about F1 is that it is rarely boring.

    Tiresome sometimes yes, but with Mr E, Big Ron and others as players there are always permutations!

    Thank you Joe for keeping us up with play.

  15. Waiting upon Lewis to decide his future direction post final race perhaps? Ex Red Bull aero guy, Honda engine, plus a top flight driver with potentially more years left than Fernando. Would require Lewis to leave Merc early, or, retain Jenson for one more year?

    1. Joe, I cant help but wonder if this is all to do with what Lewis does, if he wins WDC or not. Is there any mileage in this do you feel. Could he go back to Woking if he wasnt No1 at Merc.

    2. It wouldn’t be the first time would it – albeit that in this case the driver makes a decision rather than the team (Mansell, Hill) – if Lewis went to McLaren which RD might prefer it would throw the cat among the pigeons including Fernando to Mercedes ?

  16. So it’s down to –
    ‘selecting the optimal driver line-up for a Formula 1 team is clearly an important process, and it is therefore one that requires precise and prolonged analysis’ and
    ‘avoid distracting the race team from its primary objective during the final Grand Prix’.

    Patronising bullshit . . .
    Beggars belief . . .

    1. In fairness Jock, it’s not just McL, they all have the same attitude now, you only have to observe the drivel from their PR

      1. It’s the PR that puts me off watching the driver’s interviews on Sky, you just know it going to be 99% fairly soft questions because everybody knows the driver is going to respond with the official PR line anyway. The team principals interview tends to be a little better in this respect, some feel able to speak their mind more.

      2. That’s so true benM, and it is so boring….that’s why so many of us love Kimi, because he just says what he thinks, and if he’s not allowed to say anything, he just clams up, so you know his team are squeezing him…that reflects badly on them not him! As for the Mac situation, it’s a shame for JB and stupid for Mac, JB is the obvious choice not KMag. Kevin needs a good year of just testing and sim work, JB has a couple of good years in him I’d say, if he had the right car/engine combo.

      1. Joe,
        I want to take the opportunity here to thank you for your posts, for providing this forum for discussion, for allowing the rest of us to use it so freely, and for commenting where you see fit in the continuing discussions after you post.

        Your posts are always of the highest quality, but more recently, the posts regarding F1’s current troubles have been brilliant. I wouldn’t know where to start finding some of the information you have provided, especially regarding the EU and how it might find reason to investigate F1. The rules of F1 might be very secret, but you do a good job of keeping us advised of those you can glean or determine yourself.

        You have provided a forum that has given Caterham employees the opportunity to express themselves to those of us who are fans of the sport but very removed from the sport. The recent discussions regarding the fall of F1’s smaller teams, the prospect of other teams being swept underfoot, has helped focus some light on the plight of the many hardworking people weho make an F1 team what it is. Without these people the Vettel’s, Hamilton’s and everyone else would have no car to power them to a WDC.

        Anyway, a long winded thanks, to you, for all the work you do.
        Your blog had become a “must check everyday” site in my household.

  17. Poor Jenson. Really poor way to treat him and Magnussen. I think McLaren would be silly to get rid of him just yet though.

    I believe Jenson has another good season in him. I suspect McLaren only want to give him a 1 year contract and he wants 2 with a year option though.

    Hard to know what to do with Magnussen. I think he needs another year learning and probably an easier car to drive.

  18. So this may be Jensons last grand prix.

    Do feel for him given it is out of his control. Would be a sad way for a world champ to go out. Not knowing whether its his last race must be tough on how he approaches the weekend, same goes for the fans.

    I’ll throw him a keg party if it does happen to be the case. That will suffice.

  19. McLaren’s decision 2014 [ sarcasm intended ] Along with Ferrari and Mercedes as well for that matter everyone’s holding their cards face down till the very last minute . Which at least to me may indicate none of them really have a clue what the ____ is going on . Oh sure .. Vettel’s telling everyone he’s going to Ferrari … yet Ferrari refuses to confirm that … Mercedes will tell anyone that’ll listen how desperate they are to keep Hamilton …. but are they ? S’Alonso’s future is at best a mystery [ is he is or is he aint being Alonso’s theme song of late ] Everyones keeping things well under their hats … but especially McLaren … or Honda McLaren .. or McLaren Honda … what ever they’ll be called … not only when it comes to their driver choices … but who if anyone will be their primary sponsor in 2015 [ after Honda/Acura ] as well

    As far as Bernie and press passes though Joe . Perhaps things have changed a bit over the last ten years ( ? ) … but I know personally and for a fact of at least two [ one an award winner with multiple Autocourse covers and feature photos ] photographers that lost their media passes precisely because they either refused or were unable to live up to Bernie’s excessive demands back in the day .

      1. Why is that Joe?

        I would have thought any press journalist would have more reason to upset BE than a photographer.

        (clueless outsider assumption)

        1. Because a lot of photographers do a majority of commercial work. BE thinks this is not media and they should pay him to be allowed to do it. Very few journalists live off commercial rather than media work

    1. I do wonder what the relative merits of a German Merc racer / world champion is compared with an Englishman?

      Does either make a measurable difference in car sales in either of their “home” countries, or elsewhere around the world? And which would Mercedes prefer from this perspective?

    2. As far as I know, Vettel has only said that he is leaving Red Bull, and has not made any statement about joining Ferrari… That is what other people are saying (and what we all expect)

      1. Wasn’t it Horner who said (on Sky) that Vettel had told him Ferrari had made a good offer? I can’t remember hearing anything more than that.

  20. My first thought when I saw the press pass story was to wonder whether Uncle B is trying to take a shot across your bows. The Internet machine-translated site operators and the Sylts of this world are not seen in the paddock — and the dwindling corps of properly-salaried print journalists are constrained by their editors — which leaves you and people like Kate Walker as the only journalists who are frank enough to write stories about the CRH and the sport’s finances without either lickspittling or succumbing to false neutrality. O yes, and you (and Kate) both happen to be independent operators who publish largely on the Internet. What a coincidence.

  21. PS For the many uncommitted amongst us may this weekend give us an exciting finale and not another predictable Mercedes1-2 damp squid of a race in terms of the drivers’s title outcome.

    1. Sorry I hate to be this guy but people shouldn’t use sayings if they get them so stupidly wrong. The saying is damp squib not damp squid.

      A squib is a type of firework which fails to go off properly if it gets wet, hence the meaning of something potentially very exciting that fails to live up to expectations being like a damp squib. I have no idea how a damp squid would in any way relate to the meaning you think.

    1. I have believed for years that McLaren handle drivers very poorly.

      It is however, an opinion, for which I can provide no hard evidence, just the occasional observation, predominately historical, probably taken out of context, and completely missing the point. I could try and argue that they would have more WDC trophies if they were better at handling drivers, but that could possibly be said of any team. Many would point to clear cut things, out of McLaren’s control that has cost them championships in the past, and dismiss my thoughts re driver management being part of the issue, perhaps rightly so.

      So, I am not equipped to win a discussion on the point, and as such, will not try and counter any response that anyone might make. I accept that many more people, much more in the know than I, would probably say I am wrong, and if this is the case I would have to accept that.

      I believe McLaren have poor driver management practices, and I see Ron Dennis as being part of the problem, when he is involved, and I’d suggest that when he is not directly involved, he is indirectly involved as an ever present figure or reference point in the McLaren culture he has created.

      As I say though it’s a complete outsiders perspective based on nothing but poor intepretation of interviews etc, and speculation. As such I shouldn’t post this, but have chosen to do so as a very complicated way of saying, “I agree with you Josh”, and to see maybe, if anyone else out there feels the same.

        1. I half expected our moderator to not publish the comment because it was so poorly written. I also hoped one or two might get a chuckle at my efforts to state an opinion but distance myself entirely from defending or explaining it.

          I see arctic’s comments re DC below. I hadn’t heard DCs comments before, but felt Dennis broke DC a little during the Mika years. Alonso/Hamilton turned out to be a nightmare, I don’t understand how the situation was allowed to develop as it did. Senna/Prost also seemed nightmarish in some ways as well. Montoya, I don’t know what they were thinking, that just seemed doomed from the start.

          Given my highest claim to sporting fame was 1 season as team manager for a state Lacrosse team who came fourth in Nationals (a 1 week competition) I acknowledge that I wouldn’t know the first thing about driver management in a racing team.

      1. David Coulthard has commented on that before, referring to the fact Dennis used to talk about “you” and “us” in team meetings with Mika Hakkinen. Alain Prost said similar things too, long before their relationship imploded in 1989.

        I get supporting one driver and making it clear they are number one. I just find that McLaren always do it in a really cack-handed way, taking two egos and playing them off against each other, and then they wonder why they manage to chuck WDCs away (like in 2006).

  22. Please Joe, why does Bernie keep saying stuff like this about the smaller teams?

    “Normally in business you have a look and see how much money you are going to get, and then you decide to spend less than that otherwise you are going to be in trouble.

    “It doesn’t seem like they’ve followed a normal business route.”

    Just what exactly does the F1 $100million supremo believe is normal business? Perhaps Herr Gribkwoski can illuminate us.

    1. That deal with Herr Gribkwoski? It was just a deal where rich people stay rich? If you are poor, or own modest wealth, you aren’t in the game.

    2. Absolutely agree. BE lost touch with the real world some time ago. One would think the man has never run his own busines. Which reinforces my point he has and does, as such/ and yet, he say’s ridiculous things such as the quote above.

  23. Talking about journalists getting F1 passes – I was watching the 2010 season review this evening.

    Look at the journalist from about 2:00 onwards – how inappropriate is that? (hope this link is okay – it’s the only one I could find)

  24. Ouch! So he’s still not got that pitpass ;p

    I really really really hope Ron is screwing Alonso over in some heinous Shakespearian style revenge plot, but I fear Ron has mellowed just that bit too much. I miss the good old days.

    1. F1QA, you cad, I’m regrettably removing you from my Christmas card list. The very mention of those two appalling individuals causes me to pour a cup of coffee and eat a couple of digestive biscuits in an attempt to keep my spirits up.

  25. Well, if I was Honda I would be pretty damn upset about all the negative publicity and the power with which all these drivers seem to be holding all these Car Companies to ransom. It’s just not how you should treat a massive organization (otherwise they leave) and while Jenson may not be anywhere as good as Alonso he’s a darn site better than Magnussun plus his Japanese manners will be astounding …. To say nothing of Jessica and the publicity she could generate in Japan ….. but maybe Ron and Honda sees Magnussun as a better bet than Jessica (because at the moment until we see how the engine performs …. it is a bet)….. but isn’t this the pinnacle of driving as F1 should be (cough, cough) as another rent a drive is sold.

  26. In thinking about McLaren’s announcement, I thought back to the beginning of this season – McLaren had said, not just hinted (I think), that a new title sponsor had been signed and would be announced in the near future. Maybe I am wrong but that was what I recall. Everyone was speculating – coke, various high tech brands, etc, Joe had an interesting idea on the blog. All they did was change the colour of the SAP branding from the USGP? Or was it SAP and it was such a boring revelation it went by unnoticed? And I am a fan of the team. They will have two drivers next year, plus a reserve driver, is what they are saying.

      1. Macdonalds will be McLarens title sponsor next year, think of the synergy:
        the fastest burger in the west, Ronald MacDonald and a highly visual colour scheme.

      2. Yes, that is correct, I meant for 2014 – maybe they were talking about 2015 at the beginning of this season/pre-season testing, but I thought they were supposed to be announcing one for 2014.

  27. I’d given no credence at all until now to suggestions that McLaren may be chasing Lewis, but with Lewis/Mercedes talking next week and Macca now delaying any announcements until after that …… That would be a larf. Lewis and Jenson next year. KMag testing. And Alonso meeting up with old friends at WEC last week.

    1. Lewis and Jenson would be excellent, especially with Jenson’s talent and previous working experience with Honda, but I wonder if Merc would let lewis go for 2015 with that nice shiny number one to go on the car?

    2. @Mel_Drew If Lewis is heading to McLaren, Mercedes would obviously hire Alonso – why would he want to go to WEC, if what you say happens?

  28. Wait, wait, wait…Alonso doesn’t have a drive for next year and McLaren don’t have any drivers for next year…it’s a simple match with a lot of baggage…but still a strong combo.

    Could the *real* issue that’s stalling everything be entirely non-driver related? I.e. Santander vs Sony? Ron Dennis vs Ojjeh?

  29. With regards to McL, one reason may be that the reason for the delay in driver announcement is that they are waiting for FA to actually sign before announcing. That would most likely be at MTC and they are up to thier eyes in it with the Honda car at the moment. I would be surprised if Jenson and Kev weren’t up to speed on what is going on.

    And if you’d like a laugh………

    [Link removed: I do not post links to wannabe F1 websites and others who are trying to make the public believe they are somehow involved]

    Not the comment about a “notouriously outspoken blogger…..”

  30. Hi Joe
    Regarding FIA F1 Press Passes. I tried to search the FIA website to see if there was a list of journalists who hold the coveted Press Pass. Thus I would be in a better position who to trust when reading a F1 story. However I couldn’t find such a list. I came across the Application criteria which appears to be very stringent. Would it be a good idea for the FIA to publish such a list?
    Enjoy the last race of the season and most importantly enjoy the off-season.

    1. There is a list that we sign at every race when we check in at the Media Centre. There is a list of Permanent Journalists and then there are the one-offs and locals on a separate list. Ditto with the photographers. I cannot say that I ever count the pages and try to work out how many are involved but I would say that the permanents are probably around 300. You need to at least 10 races to get a hard card but the rules seem to have gone out of the window somewhat in the last year or so because the FIA Press Commission that used to exist (so that applications could be judged by the peers) does not seem to exist any longer.

  31. Still don’t get why we had the flurry of (non) announcements at Suzuka and then nothing. First Alonso said he knew exactly what he would be doing but there’d be no news in October. But then news breaks he is quitting Maranello with everybody saying his destination is Woking. Then RBR suddenly announce Vettel is leaving and the following morning, is to be replaced by Kvyat. It all seemed very panicky and since then no ‘official’ statement from any party, apart from Horner’s ‘Seb’s going to Ferrari.’ Why the need for all this during a race weekend? If contracts hadn’t been signed, as it appears they weren’t, what was the trigger for all this?

  32. Joe, do you feel Tom Kristensen’s retirement from professional racing and Audi Motorsports Le Mans programme, has any significance to Buttons next move?

  33. I assume the delay is because Fernando is waiting to see the figures/traces from the McLaren Honda after it has done its first practice/testing at Abu Dhabi.

    If I were him, I’d wait until I’d seen how good it was before inking my signature and passing “Go” to collect.

    Which means McLaren don’t know whether they need to jettison a driver or keep the two they have.

    Also… Why would Lewis change teams???? Why? He’s been there (McLaren) and done that and he has the best car on the grid. I would guess that there would be no reason to go back. (Or maybe he is waiting to see the Honda fly too)!!!!

  34. Does Mr. Slyt type while wearing a brown shirt and jack boots? There is no statement they cannot distort or twist to suit their agenda!

  35. If the end result of this is McLaren dropping Button like many have speculated, then I find this to be distasteful and disrespectful. Jenson is a world champion, and as such has earned the right to say goodbye to his fans in his final race (and vice versa). Maybe this is a sign Button is staying though – and they are just buying time to try and plot a course for K-Mag (a promising driver to be sure, though Button has gotten a pretty good handle on him as of late).

    1. I suspect Jenson is being his usual loyal, professional team player self.

      If he was someone else maybe he would have announced his retirement and his new career and been able to celebrate with his fans, his 266th, and last Grand Prix.

      I will be disheartened, along with many thousands of fans world wide, if Jenson simply steps out of his car and his F1 career on Sunday afternoon without the ceremony that he so solidly deserves.

  36. Sylt story now has a very selective quote from this blog to justify another churlish dig at Joe…made me chuckle..I suspect you like winding him up Joe

  37. I’ve a theory – and it started with Joe’s story – that Jenson has already signed for Audi and the McLaren announcement delay is at the request of Audi themselves

    [Link deleted because it was a blatant piece of self-promotion]

  38. You may not have three cars but you can have three drivers… Keep Jenson for all the right reasons to develop the car and charm Honda during the launches and the first part of the season. Allow him his Grand Finale at Silverstone which would be a fitting occasion and give us all a ‘feel good’ factor about McLaren. Then put Kevin, who will have done a million miles on the simulator by then ( as Gary has gone… ), back in the seat for the remainder of the year…

  39. Hi Joe, I have been looking really hard to find any information around how Honda have been able to slot into the mix one year after the new engine regulations were introduced.

    I’m sure measures were put into place to ensure they adhered to the same restrictions as the others, but having joined a year later it feels like they would have had more flexibility to develop than others would have.

    Do you know any of the detail around how this new introduction, taking into consideration the credit system in the off season, has been implemented?

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