Intelligence, or the lack of it…

Readers will know that I am a man with considerable patience and I allow almost everyone to comment on this blog (as long as they do not post links), however there are limits to my patience. Writing sensibly about sport-related politics can unleash some pretty interesting emotions amongst readers. Some are rational, some not. People, of course, feel emboldened by the anonymity of the internet and believe that they can be as unpleasant as they like, without fear of any response. This is a false assumption because unless you have taken some fairly complicated precautions, which the average mouth-breathing jerk does not think to do, most messages can be traced – if one knows the right people to do it.

I thought readers might like to see the kind of response one gets. This particular one comes from a man who calls himself Donald Ducukhoakis, which is, of course, a fake name. This paper tiger, who we shall call Donald Duck, left a fake email address as well (I tried it), in the finest traditions of heroes through the ages, but I thought I would share his thoughts, just so you can see the kind of reaction one can get from people without education, brains or the means to express themselves in a coherent fashion. I am not sure it is worth tracing this particular one, and getting them banned from their email services and so on, but it is worth doing now and then, to remind people that civility is a corner stone of a sensible society.

“You don’t know sh*t about the United States,” Mr Duck wrote, “and your recent column proves only one thing, which is that you’re an arrogant c*nt. I am going to forward your recent column to the Trump White House. – Good luck getting a visa next year, you pathetic arrogant pr*ck. F*ck you and your wife and the French for harboring a piece of subhuman waste like you.”

So, Mr Duck of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, (one can trace IP addresses easily enough. Even there are a couple of points I would like to make about your rather average piece of creative writing. I know enough about the United States to know that the White House does not issue visas. Your namesake does not have the time for all that rubber stamping. He is too busy tweeting. The State Department issues visas, but many countries do not actually require them, because there is a visa waiver programme and the non-immigrant visas that are required for my line of work last for a five year period. I have just renewed mine and I can predict with great confidence that there will be another incumbent in the White House when I come to renew it again.

This artless Muppet might also like to know that my son is an American citizen and lives in the United States, so I have a fair bit of knowledge and understanding of how the country works. It is a country for which I have great admiration, although the swamp-dwellers like Mr Duck do tend to drag down the image somewhat.

I wish him luck in the future and hope that he will not shoot himself or his family by accident, while cleaning the weapons he undoubtedly has in his rusting pick-up truck, next to his fading Vote Donald baseball cap and his KKK hood.

224 thoughts on “Intelligence, or the lack of it…

  1. He/she/it is a product of the very system which is pandemic in the U S of A – if you’re not one of us, you’re one of them, and we don’t like them because they’re not us.

    1. With respect, That is a global cultural problem right now, not an american one. I see the same mentality out of many young Europeans.

  2. Well at least he generated a response! An entire column – I do well to get a sentence..

    Seriously though anyone with half a brain should know you don’t suffer fools and should write their replies accordingly.

    1. As far as I am aware, this blog was created by Joe, maintained by Joe, moderated by Joe and paid for by Joe, so he can write what he wants about whatever he wants, when he wants and has no need to do what we tell him on here.

      Keep up the good work, Joe!

          1. There really are some pretty scary nutters out there.
            People with no understanding of sensible debate
            and superb depth of knowledge such as that which
            Joe provides continuously through the seasons.
            Joe, I’m sure you are more that conscious of the
            enormous value we all place on the work you do for
            all of us.

    2. Don’t mix your Falafel with a Sandwich !! 🏉,🏃

      Well said Joe.
      Reminds me of a similar situation where David Hayes (once the Heavyweight Boxing Champ) had some idiot on his twitter account threatening him and his family. Another paper tiger.
      Mr Hayes got a security Internet whizz to find exactly where he lived.
      Then early morning Hayes stood outside this pip squeaks house saying “I’m here and I’m waiting, I’ll even let you have the first hit”.
      End result was a bit of curtain twitching and zero response. The Paper Tiger never bothered the champ again.
      Well done Joe and keep Fighting Back. I assume this Fake’tard gets all his news from “Not So BriteBart and Fox Fake news ” or his Prize Pig.

  3. ….and this is why, long after I’ve finished reading Autosport, ages after SKY F1 has finished and even after the latest Eddie Jordan proclamation of absolute certainty has proved to be utter Bernie BS, I turn to Joes writings for the truth on F1, and some really healthy acerbic wit.

    My advice to finish the job off Joe is to tell Mr Duck of your, I’m sure, great admiration for the prowess and talent of the huge swarm of American drivers who positively swamp F1 at present, the fabulous championship leading success of their home grown team CNC Ferrari Junior, and the obvious skill needed to run in Nascar.

    Saward for President.

  4. Oh god what a duck driven dick. I feel embarrassed that you receive mail from filth like this dick. And yes like you Joe I have a son in the USA (married to a Mexican in LA god help them ha!) So I understand the the sort of bottom dwelling “people” we are dealing with here. Sympathy.

  5. Joe, stop feeding the trolls! They get a kick out of you repeating their nasty comments – this will embolden them. We, the silent majority who do not comment on your blogs, love your reporting, and are in agreement with your world view.

    1. Well said Emil, I read this blog to keep up with what is really going on in the F1 world, I very rarely have time to read the comments on the blog. I guess this is the reality of running an internet blog, you get all sorts commenting, those with insight and those with no idea or sense of decency.

      Keep up the good work Joe.

      1. You don’t know what you are missing. Inevitably a few clowns but generally the comments are interesting and well put adding to the stories. Most of Joe’s fans are educated and erudite. We appreciate his knowledge and style.

  6. I laughed out loud at the sheer stupidity of this guy’s comment, until I realised that these sorts of individuals actually walk among us somehow functioning as humans (I’m drawing a long bow there!). Well written as usual and I feel for you having to deal with that “non-creative garbage”, to quote John Cleese. There are more of us who appreciate your frank opinions than get offended by them, whether we agree with you or not.

  7. Nice reply.

    I draw some consolation because, when presented with a map of the world and asked to point out the DPRK, many Americans pointed to the US – so there could be hope for the world if the US decides to blow the crap out of the DPRK. It could be the biggest own goal in military history.

  8. Dear Joe,
    Having read your blog and general missives for quite some time and having also the memory of several other pillocks who’ve abused your commentary i must say that your attitude is admirable.

    Health to write, Sir.
    All the best

  9. re: donald duck: hello Joe, great comment from your side. i am a British expat living in France for over 20 years. i am also a great USA fan having raced there from 1998 to 2001 (histrorics). i hav only had good experiences and good times in the USA, but Mr. Duck’s comments are really of “hillbilly” quality.
    although i do not subscribe, i enjoy reading your emails and comments, i was also an F1 and world sports car championship journalist/photographer in 1975, things were different then!!

  10. Eloquently put, Jo (Mr. Duck > it means in having or exercising the power of fluent, forceful, and appropriate speech in a persuasive manner by an orator). Oh no. I simply haven’t got the time or inclination to explain the meaning of the other words that are more than four-letters long to you Mr. Duck.

    Keep up the great work Jo &, on behalf of those who are not blessed with the incredible powers of open-mindedness & empathy, I apologise on their behalf.

    Garry, in the UK.

  11. What intrigues me the most about this comment is why/how someone that would write such a thing is reading Joe Saward’s F1 blog in the first place. This guy doesn’t strike me as the typical hard core F1 fan.

      1. A link and the first 100 characters of this will have auto popped up on twitter via RSS, and I suspect that has pulled up this bottom feeder. Hmmmm… I think I can probably think of at least one offensive, bigoted old small handed idiots hanging around on twitter when they should have gone to bed.

  12. My compliments Joe on a first-class response to what after all was the rant of an idiot. Incidentally I have had experience of this sort of pathetic behaviour from Americans (and of course not just Americans). I recall one who felt that because I live in a country that he said is “run by a queen,” I had no business commenting about what goes on in the USA. I pointed out that my country had not been run by a queen since 1603. This curiously, failed to elicit a response!
    Many thanks for your informative writings.

  13. Awesome response Joe!!!!

    I really loved your piece – very well written

    I work a lot in the States and take great pleasure from asking for people opinions on Orange Don. Its incredible how a nation can be so divided

    Give it a couple of months and this whole affair will go down as one of their most embarrassing political episodes…..until you ask a redneck.. 🙂

  14. I try not to comment these days.

    However, I feel it is time to make an exception. Thank you for continuing to post Joe. Thank you for not limiting yourself strictly to F1, whether it be travel or politics, I am always interested in your opinion.

    Even on the odd occasion that I might have a different perspective I usually learn something or at least take time to reconsider the reasons for my own views. I would rather you post what you think, and then it is up to me how I process it. I am 100% confident that you will continue to tell it how you see it. I always appreciate it when you give us an insight into how bad (or ridiculous) a comment has to be to make it to the page. Mr Duck doesn’t surprise me, these people never do. Thanks for continuing to cut through the bs.

  15. Sometimes I think the human race is actually regressing. I would call this particular specimen a stupid ape – but that would be an insult to apes, as they are sensitive and thinking creatures.

    Everything this person is not.

    1. It’s a very important thing you should realise. The human race is much smarter than it has ever been and will continue along that path. The ignorant are far fewer than they have ever been. However perception is everything. The proliferation of technology allowing those ignorant loud-mouths to be heard and seen by you and I have increased far beyond our comprehension. Their ability to get their opinion to you and I has never been higher. They are fewer, but so very much louder than ever before. It is this that is causing the misconception that people are getting stupider. There have always been these ignorant people, they are not new, but they are dying out with every generation. So remember, while they are here, make yourself heard and negate their behaviour by challenging them whenever you can, be louder(not decibels, obv.) and lets speed them on their way to oblivion.

  16. Holy heavens!Joe,it’s alright that you do not have to put up with this nonsense we experience here 24/7.And guess what,most of these deficients are crack and meth heads;but above all,very very ignorant!Yes,ignorance is the name of the new game here in America.Added to that is semi-literacy.
    I am sorry you had to go through this.I will like to tell you how we cherish your blogs here and not all of us are douche bags,please.

  17. Hi Joe, I generally enjoy reading your blog especially about your travels and look forward to the news you bring from the paddock.
    I also enjoy reading your views about politics (In broad strokes we do see eye to eye) and in some cases I disagree.
    When the topic is auto sport I occasionally leave a comment or a question which you may or may not reply to.
    In all cases I am happy to have the opportunity to leave a response and in return, I keep it civil and make an attempt to write in a manner that makes sense both in context and grammar.
    However when the topic is political I tend not to respond not here or on other forum’s since response is very aggressive these days (both sides are guilty of this) but I would like to express my sincere gratitude and admiration on how you are handling these types of situation and persons.

    Thank you and keep up the good work!

  18. When reading yesterdays article it did occur to me that a followup triggered by stupidity in the comments was almost inevitable.

    As usual you did not disappoint 🙂

  19. “…there will be another incumbent in the White House when I come to renew it again.”

    I wouldn’t be so sure about that Joe. I’ve already placed a big bet on him having a second term (on the condition that he puts himself forward for it).

    1. if he nukes Kim or Kim nukes him, all bets will be off. Kennedy and Khrushchev were quite sane compared to this pair. There goes my visa application!

  20. Nice one Joe! CleRly that idiot is a prime example of massive gap between civilised normal people and he kind of pond life that is flourishing under Trump.

  21. The last paragraph was unnecessary, and you painted a picture that every Donald(i’m not a trump fan.) voter is a member of the KKK. Which is not true offcourse.
    For the rest wel done.

  22. As an American, I can attest to the ignorance, stupidity, etc. of a lot of Americans. I take issue with the inference that all Trump supporters are of the same ilk, though. I have seen this repulsive behavior more from the other side of the political fence, especially recently.
    Wouldn’t it be fun if someone just happened to get his exact I. P. address and figure out his real identity? (insert evil laugh here)

  23. It’s a truly sad reflection of our times that people write such utter drivel.

    I do however take issue with the fact that you refer to this man as a “mouth breather” and “without education, brains or the means to express [himself] in a coherent fashion”. I know several people who fit that description and are perfectly decent human beings.

    Somebody’s mad and hate-filled ramblings should not ascribe them to the group of people now known as having “learning differences”.

  24. “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” ― Mark Twain

  25. As a recently-repatriated Englishman (after 25 years), married to an American and with a son serving in the US Navy, I am both embarrassed and enraged by what this presidential term has led to. Living in the UK, we find ourselves constantly having to apologise for and disassociated ourselves from Mr. Trump, and typically say he doesn’t represent most Americans – then this person comes along and confirms our feelings in the worst possible way.
    Just a wild guess, but I bet Mr Duck isn’t African-American and most likely hasn’t experienced being on the wrong end of institutional prejudice (intended or otherwise). Something about closing one’s mouth and opening one’s mind seems the most appropriate response.

    As always Joe, keep up the good work and keep those opinions coming!

        1. Just as my IP is valid bimasa? And no, I’m not sitting in Zurich as I type this… Although our rusty US pick up truck driver as Joe calls him, (paraphrasing!) wouldn’t have a clue how to mask himself let alone choose which finger to use to pick his nose next…

        1. The .255 is a giveaway, as cyanide said, it is a broadcast address, probably of The Donald’s internet service provider. You’re probably pretty close though (or as close as you need to be)

        2. Have you considered it could be someone posting from a mobile using a free wifi connection somewhere? IP addresses are not very reliable as a locator.

          1. If you wanted to be anonymous in the UK Starbucks is your friend as they do not require personal info for using their Wi-Fi so you would be untraceable.

    1. It can be if you use, wait-for-it…. classless networking!

      Yes, it’s technically a thing. (rules forbid linking, but it’s easy enough to look up) And not surprising for a cable operator to run a network bigger than a class C.

      Anyhoo, I continue to appreciate the openness that Joe provides. Many thanks. Again.

  26. I was disappointed to see that this Donald Duck guy was from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, which is actually home to a very progressive and well-educated population for the most part. Maybe he’s just visiting?

  27. Jesus, Joe…

    Here I was, thinking you’re kinda nuts for tolerating some of the crap posts you publish… and I figured the ones you didn’t publish were just a bit too far on the rude side…

    But now I find out you’re also getting warped garbage like that… so, now I’m sure you’re nuts… (for which I’m glad)…

  28. Love it. Thank you Joe for entertaining us with things like these. I love your blog and when you do things like these or about driving back from races, time in airports, logistics of getting visas and other things like that it just brings another to interacting and sharing your expriences with us, the fans. I love you express your opinion and don’t try to be the typical stay-neutral kind of journalist. Thumb up!

  29. Just remembered too that Joe studied CIA’s involvement in South East Asia I think it was? Can’t study that without having more than a bit of a passing knowledge of USA’s history.

    1. Approval ratings are rock solid? Well that’s a joke. He’s been languishing in the mid-thirties for several months and on a good day, with a tail wind he touches 40%. Obama at this point of his term was twenty-five points higher.

      1. He’s been around 40% since May. Think about all the things he’s said and done since May, yet his approval rating hasn’t dropped at all, so it’s unlikely it will in the near future, unless the economy tanks. If the Dems don’t find a really strong candidate, he is very likely to be reelected.

  30. Joe, I’m utterly shocked and cannot believe it, someone from North Carolina reading a blog about F1! I thought the only religion you are allowed to follow in N.C. is NASCAR?

  31. Muahahaha United States (or should I say in the Trump eta ununited states?) is one of the greatest duopoly of the modern world. Stellar in its achievements but also savage in its ignorance and social segregation and disparity of wealth.

  32. I generally tend to steer clear of the comments section of sites I visit these days because of people like this. Most of them are just filled with unintelligent shouting matches between idiots and generally posting offensive comments. I’m glad you moderate your comments section to filter out the worst of them! It’s just a shame that you have to see all the nonsense and abuse that comes through. That is not a job I would like!
    Thanks for the great blog, I always enjoy reading the various subjects you talk about.

  33. The best thing about this is that Donald Ducukhoakis will now be in even more of a rage. Unless they’re a troll who is just loving the attention this is all getting, but if people like others laughing at them, what can you do?

  34. Inbred Imbeciles like Ducky are one of the reasons that people should have to take a personality and IQ test before they get internet access (or have kids, or get a passport). Just thinking out loud 🙂

      1. I’d be up for people having to answer a questionnaire about what they’re voting for, before actually being allowed to vote. “I’ve always voted Tory/Labour/etc” mentality bugs me. Look at what the parties are trying to do then bloody vote.

        Then again I’d like sterilisation machines at the exit of all well known sports clothing shops – if you can’t prove you’re going to wear the sports clothes for sporting activities then you get sterilised. It’s a little indiscriminate, but in general it would improve the gene pool.

        Not all quite said with complete seriousness, but some truth.

  35. I have read your reply several times over and still chuckle every time! Bravo Joe!! It has to be said that in commenting on the words of two Dicks (Petty & Childress) you made a comment from someone like the Duck somewhat inevitable, I’m sure there were many more like this, but we’ll handled sir!!

  36. As I posted earlier I feared you would get a few educated reactions like DD ( any relation to Mr Brexit ?)
    Unlike some others I feel you should respond to such ignorance and you have done it in the best possible way, not a slanging match.
    Well said, hope you enjoy KL

  37. Thank you for your dedication to the provision of informed knowledge via this blog.
    Your ‘Magnussen Defence’ was spot on.

  38. Well said Joe. It’s sad that you have to deal with that just for daring to offer an opinion. I can’t understand how some people can be so intolerant of the fact that other people might hold different views and need to resort to that when they meet one.

    As someone with a large following is this a semi isolated occurrence from one moron or do you get these sorts of things on every article you post here?

  39. I notice a serious issue with this post and the approach in general. You are free to set your own comment policy, moderate or ban people but it is not ethical and probably not even legal to release personal information that are stored in your database (and does not even make sense because the IP address does not represent the user’s geographical location).

    As an operator of a public interface, you must bear the abuse that your content may arise and the counter action can not be the use of the power that this public interface provides. I have operated similar services, experienced even stronger abuses but would not take this kind of action ever. I respect the work you are doing here in terms of content but this post can’t be justified.

    Viktor Adorjan

    1. The guy who wrote that piece deserves neither respect or anonymity. Sadly he just one of many Americans who are isolated by limited beliefs through a lack of education.I’d guess he has no great desire to own a Passport as he probably couldn’t identify Washington State on a map of America never mind the outside world.

    2. Joe’s house, Joe’s rules. It isn’t a public forum as such, you have to opt in, and like anyone else when i did that it was in the full knowledge that if I’m a d*ck on here I expect Joe to highlight I’m being a d*ck from the office overlooking the Long Stratton Motor Company Race Workshops, (with whom I am not associated, I just rent and office) with their lovely Aston Martins and not so lovely Lotus racers down below, here in sunny downtown Long Stratton, Norfolk, England. Y’all.

  40. Feel fortunate that you have only virtual contact with these “people”. Here in the US, we have to have daily personal interactions with them.

    Their mere presence as well as the content of their hate is entirely predictable. You obviously can deal with it just fine.

    Keep up the great work.

  41. Thank you for tolerating him, and me, and those others amongst my fellow commentators who tend to the overexcitable with such intelligence and wit. And patience. It’s much appreciated.

  42. I wish the negative energy that some folk have could be channelled towards positive actions. Life is hard enough as it is.

    Keep up the good work Joe.


  43. Dear Joe – on behalf of decent Americans throughout the world I apologize for the comments of Mr. Duck. I don’t know why some some percentage of us have lost their minds -maybe it’s the dumbing down of the educational system, maybe 35% of us are just born stupid. I fear for the future but I also have faith that there will be a day of reckoning for this crime family, masquerading as a Presidency.

    You gave every indication of being a good guy, I’m quite sure that you are, and we wish you well.

  44. Joe,

    Love your writing and knowledge of the sport, but one thing I’ve noticed is that you get into some petty spats on your message board. This was clearly a troll and not worthy of acknowledgement, but you stooped to Donald’s level with that last sentence of your response.


  45. It will be interesting to see if anyone in the Hass team “takes a knee” when the US national anthem is played at the US Grand Prix

  46. Thank you, Joe.

    Great post and response.

    I am sorry that you have to contend with this sort of nonsense.

    For any internet user, it is good to see just what can be achieved with only an IP address as an identifier.

  47. Welcome to post Trump America. As Trump said of the Charlottesville marchers – these are very fine people. I got a similar response when I made a comment on FB that I had marched in anti-war demonstrations during the Vietnam war.

    “Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.”

    John Stuart Mill

  48. Can’t say I didn’t warn you. the grassroots Trump supporters are rabid dogs they attack anything that they feel slights Trump in any way and Trump knows how to push their buttons.

  49. One of the things I love about your colum Joe, is the times you go off the F1 subject. For instance not only do I enjoy this colum, as well as the one it is rooted from, but I also enjoy the blogs on trips, or the gardening and moving, or taking a vacation on Cape Cod, or losing an iPhone or two… or three. These blogs add the human element and give so much color to your reporting. For readers like myself, it makes us feel we know you more than just reading a piece. As for the moron in question, this is a common mentality of many Trump supporters. There are also those who are not like this at all, however, scarry enough, it’s likewise Trump’s mentality as well. Thank you for your blog, I love it and honestly, when I wake up in the morning and check the e-mail on my phone, nine times out of ten, yours is the first email I look for. Cheers! Oh… next time you drive to Key West, let me know ahead of time and I’ll buy you a beer!

  50. “…and I can predict with great confidence that there will be another incumbent in the White House when I come to renew it again.”

    I sincerely hope so, Joe. Good article!

  51. Joe, I hope you continue the trace, and publish not only Duck’s real name, but also the year he graduated from Trump University.

  52. Nice one Joe. I wonder why a pillock like Dicky Duck would read this blog? Can’t imagine him being interested in the F1 world you write about.

  53. Well, seeing comments like this is not a suprise to me. When it comes to politics in the US right now, the combination of TV and social media has created an extremely toxic brew. It just brings out the worst in sometimes otherwise normal people.
    I cringed when I got your Power of Sport post, not for your views, but for the responses you were going to see. It is entirely possible some of the respondants are not even racing fans, but rather social media political vigilantes.

  54. Good on you, Joe. Again, I disagree on a number of things and approaches you take, but this one you hit the nail on the head masterfully. Though Formula 1 is mostly dominated by rich white men, it has had a number of “Latino” –by today’s hateful nomenclature– winners, one half black winner, has had a number of women in very important roles, and scores of participants from very humble backgrounds that become stars on their own merits. Formula 1, for all its glitter and shortcomings, it’s very accepting of all backgrounds, denominations, cultures, orientations, believes, creeds, etc. Thus I ask, what is a hateful, ignorant, racist, misogynist, chauvinist pig like Donald Duck even wasting time watching it? Go figure. Again, compadre, mi casa su casa, next time you’re in San Francisco, just drop me a line.

  55. Unfortunately, this type of response is all too common in the internet age. People feel free to say all kinds of crap that would get them punched in the mouth if they said it face to face to someone. Civility can be lacking in society, but the internet definitely allows for more incivility. As an American, and a human being, this guy is simply embarrassing to me.

  56. Fabulous. Made me literally LOL.

    Next time I see your green cap and notebook on Martin/DC’s gridwalk I’ll raise a glass to you – even if it’s daft o’clock coming from Sepang.


  57. Joe, I understand your point. As a member of the family of man….. I have decided to join a charitable organization that performs service for the needy.

    I feel that I (we) need to be of service to others rather than piss about what we don’t have…..

  58. Good evening,

    I would like to ask you to seriously consider removing the IP address from this article.

    As you may be aware it is an IP version 4 address, version 4 has/is becoming obsolete because there are not enough addresses available for the number of users on the internet.

    Currently this IP address is assigned to Time Warner which almost certainly means THAT IT IS SHARED.

    It is very likely that the IP address that you have quoted will be re-assigned to someone else either currently or in the future, such as Adorable Amy Flowers.

    In the future people searching for Adorable Amy Flowers may very well find this post and attribute it to that flower shop.

    Kind regards

    Ian Smith

    1. I also ask you remove the IP address for your own protection. Check the WordPress Terms of Service, User Guidlines, Privacy Policy and definitions. Bloggers and those of us commenting cannot “publish” IP addresses.

  59. Thankfully freedom of speech means good people like Joe get to tell morons that they are morons. Well done Joe!

    Unfortunately I’m not as confident that the Orange Idiot won’t win a second term as President. The entire world was convinced that George W. Bush wouldn’t win a second term and we all know how that turned out.

    1. George W. Bush won a second term because the US was in the middle of a war (Americans tend to re-elect a war president) so there’s little chance Trump will get re-elected unless…oh, wait…

  60. Hi Joe, put people like this to the back of your mind, the blog and magazine are excellent and offer a great insight into the secretive world of F1.

    Will be keeping an eye out for you at the weekend, you often appear in the background during Skys F1 shows, hope you all enjoy the final visit to Malaysia.

  61. As Stephen Fry once said:
    “…don’t allow your eyes to drop below the actual content to the comments, because some of the strangest creatures on the ocean floor live there”
    and “these stinking, sliding, scuttling weird entomological creatures found on comment boards”

  62. Hmm. It would be great fun to go see Mr Duck on my next American trip. Maybe we could bring his head home and stick it in GOLD’s jetpipe the next time we use reheat on the Viper…

  63. My guess, Joe, is that this is an email from a certain person you know quite well, who has simply cloaked his real location through a VPN. Threats like this one are his stock in trade. He simply can’t help himself…

    There are no American’s that I know from the South or virtually anywhere in this country really, that would refer to another guy as a c*nt. It simply isn’t used that way in US as my wife and other women I know will be happy to confirm!

    The syntax of the whole comment reads English to me, Not American. Of course, just my opinion and observation.

    No one works as had as you to inform the F1 fan base. Keep going and have a chuckle when you realize where comments like that come from.

    1. A friend,
      A very good point on this poster not being American and agree with you completely.

      Re-read it in Hicksville accent and it just doesn’t work. A hick calling someone an arrogant pr**k? Does that seem likely?

      Keep up your brilliant work Joe- ignore these fools!

  64. Good on you Joe. You write about motorsport and do a fantastic job, even your opinions of issues beyond motorsport are balanced and intelligent. I will never understand trolls and what kick or rush they get. Keep doing what you do, I will always keep reading it.

  65. Boom. hahaha. Good reply.

    A lot of people love to mingle in other people’s business, countries, religious and private doings. They are ok with opinions… until it’s an opinion which challenges their (evil rooted rotten) beliefs, at which point: civility goes out the window.

  66. From North Carolina eh? Mr. Duck is most likely an oval-loving race fan who detests “elitist” F1 with its twisty circuits and right turns… That’s all a bit too Mickey Mouse for his liking…

  67. Brilliant. That will put him in his place. No more hiding and sniping. Well done Joe. But please do not let the minority 5% get to you. Just concentrate on the 95%+ people that appreciate your coloum / blog and the rules around it. Hope you get an upgrade this trip.

  68. Har ha ha ha——-ha ha, Good one Joe, I’m lovin it! That idiot is obviously in love with D. T., or of course he/it might be his son/doughter.

  69. This Duck dude reminds me of the M.I.LF. that advertised her “favors” in Craig’s List, only to call some of prospective “suitors” Craig’s List rejects… what a c***!

  70. Oh, come on, Joe! This is Internet and what you are doing in this post only shows how old and close-minded you are. Don’t be such a person, I hope you are much more noble.

    1. I am not old, nor close-minded. I simply believe in being polite and positive. If you don’t, then that’s fine, but don’t criticise my for me, otherwise I might guve you more of the same.

      1. By old I mean the attitude to online activities, not age, no offense please.
        It’s totally OK to ban someone making statements of one’s wife, I just don’t understand why you do this on public.

        1. Not accepting people being rude has got nothing to do with being old and close-minded. What about if I tell you you are a f****g idiot, would you like it? The lack of education, thank god, is not related to age. If you don’t understand that, leave this blog.

          1. You don’t tell me what blog to follow.
            I’m completely okay with being told I’m “a f****g idiot” cause I’m a man and I have balls. If you have such an opinion why on earth would I bash you in public for you sincere thoughts?

  71. A great example of why you should stand up to bullies. I agree with all of it, except the bit about us being rid of him after 2020. The Democrats look like they’re in a real mess to me, and Trump’s awfulness alone won’t be enough to get them over the top: they need a compelling, positive message and a charismatic, credible figure to deliver it.

    My money though is on the Republicans winning again in 2020 with Trump. Or Pence. Or Ryan, if those two are in jail by then.

      1. Sorry, it’s not true. So you can join us in shaking our heads about both of our political situations.

        Trump will not see out 2018.

  72. Rarely do I laugh out loud reading your stuff, Joe, but this was very good. Keep not suffering fools, but keep writing, because there are so many of us that love your prose.

  73. No problem Joe, M Trump is going to drain the swamp, so perhaps your correspondent will turn up on the menu the next time Emirates give you an upgrade.

  74. Frankly I’d be happy if closed the comments down completely. I come here to read your thoughts about the sport and that’s usually enough. Very few of the comments add any real value, regardless of topic.

  75. Already exposed himself as a coward by using a fake-name and fake-email.
    Must the kind that finds Colin Kaepernick’s #takeakneel offensive and disrespectful to the flag, but waives the confederate at his local NASCAR-event…

  76. Joe, I’m happy to drive up to Chapel Hill if you get an address (ala the boxer mentioned above). I’d love to see what kind of a “tough guy” this a-hole really is. I don’t box but I do have “a particular set of skills”.

  77. Top response, Joe, and having just returned from a four week sojourn in USAnia, I am pleased to report that I met absolutely no-one who even remotely resembled Mr Duck.

    Not sure about the IP address business though: while Facebook was able to track me accurately for eight and a half thousand miles, every time it bombards me with adverts they’re all for businesses in or near York. I live in London…

  78. Well done for exposing him. I could almost hear the duelling banjos playing as I read his comments to you. What is scary is that there are plenty like him in the USA, as recent news events have made all too obvious.

  79. Man, I’ve never commented here but i’ve been a long time reader of this blog, and the recent political stuff on here is just too much for me, and the quality overall has kind of dropped anyway. Yea i know I’m not paying to read this so how can I complain right? But I have to wonder why you even bothered taking the time to acknowledge this person who is obviously trolling you and is probably using a vpn like everyone else anyway? You’re too good of a journalist to be doing stuff like this.

  80. Right on, Joe.

    As an aside, someone should educate the N. Koreans as to what the GPS coordinates of the White House are. I only say that because I live on the west coast and hate that Trump thinks those of us here are expendable because of his arrogant and juvenile search for glory.

    Perhaps his cell phone GPS coordinates?

    If you think someone can’t track your position in real time utilizing the GPS capability of your cell phone, you are a fool. You’re a bigger fool if you think that someone can’t target a military drone right onto those coordinates.

  81. I sympathise. In my business we get a fair bit of ire from some of the people we deal with but this Donald Duck takes the biscuit. There is never any call for that kind of reaction.

    On the other hand, thanks for sharing with us. An interesting insight into your world.

    Keep up the blog please. We appreciate it.

  82. Sorry you, or anyone else, has to endure stuff like that. The emergence of sad, angry trolls is a new and unpleasant phenomenon.

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