21 thoughts on “It’s that time of year…

  1. Well deserved Joe. I get exhausted just reading about the mileage that you do. Thanks for all your insight and musings. See you soon.

  2. Have a good one Joe, we look forward to your Green notebook musings and race reports for the remainder of the season

  3. All the best. I’ll miss all the insights until your return, but I wholeheartedly support you not providing any insights until you return. Enjoy the break, if you get one. Love the reports. Niall.

  4. You probably work harder than most even when on vacation Joe. Have a well earned rest. Thank you for all the blogs and insights.

  5. Hi Joe was wondering if you heard any rumblings about a possible link between McLaren and Porsche. It seems like that would be a very good match for Porsche to come back at least as an engine supplier maybe even a pseudo-factory team i.e. McLaren and Mercedes back in the day?

  6. In a different age with the 3.5 litre normally aspirated engines they tried equivalency between F1 and Sportscar. I think it was Uncle Bernie’s way of killing off the threat from sports cars as Mercedes and Peugeot ended up in F1 and left sports cars soon after.

    Perhaps now with budget caps etc for WEC and F1, as IMSA are going in a similar but different direction perhaps some form of common engine formula would be good, where the engine drivetrain and hybrid elements could be transferrable between the two. It may mean more licensed chassis makers in the P2 class from Onroak, Dallara, Multimatic and Oreca where LMDH appears to be headed., but that could be good income for proper manufacturers like Williams and Ginetta produced a P1 from their non WEC, IMSA, ALMS, ELMS programme P2

  7. In LMDH Porsche are aligned with Penske and Audi are in negotiation with an existing IMSA team. Both efforts are going to use the same Multimatic (Riley) chassis with apparently as much duplication as possible. Unsure how McLaren fit into that story at present, particularly as in their Indycar team they aligned with General Motors.

  8. Hi Joe, Hope you have had a satisfying break. Like Canada, between fires and their smoke, heat domes and monsoon type rains it is hard to imagine enjoying the outdoors in Europe, over the holidays, was any easier than here. I guess though, at the pace you have been running, just not having to be somewhere or meet a deadline, for a few weeks, is the real holiday.

    I have been thinking about the spending cap and wondering, excluding the big guns and brain stars, do you think the average team members pay is or will drop in the future? More quality talent available so you hire more people or with the redundant just move to other series or fields? I was wondering if you could give us your thoughts on the impact of the cost cap on the pay scale?

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