Green Notebook from the Land of Nod

Those who read The Good Book, admittedly rather a small group in the Formula 1 world, may know that in Genesis one can discover that the Land of Nod is located east of Eden, and was where the nasty Cain was sent after murdering his brother Abel. It was probably not flowing with milk and honey. In Hebrew the word “nod” is linked to the verb “to wander”, which means that heading off to the land of Nod can mean living the life of a vagrant in the desert.

The English, however, purloined the expression centuries ago to use it to describe the warm and fluffy realm of sleep, where dreams can get pretty interesting. This is a curious use of a dismal concept but it appears to have derived from “nodding off”.

Given that I have been wandering around in desert lands to the east of Eden, and I have been nodding off (or perhaps crashing out is a better description), I think the location for this Green Notebook fits the bill in several different ways.

Abu Dhabi was a tough weekend for those who have toiled from Singapore to Japan to Austin to Mexico to Brazil and to Abu Dhabi (and various points in between) in the last month and a bit. It has been pretty brutal. Things were made a little sillier in Abu Dhabi because the only people who could afford to stay in decent hotels were those who have trust funds, or oil wells in their back garden. Fortunately for the teams, they left flights and hotels out of the cost cap (go figure) so they won’t have to move out of their wildly-overpriced digs for fear that it will impact on their spending…

Hotel prices in Abu Dhabi are now so silly that more than a few of us stayed in Dubai, which is 64 miles to the north-east of Yas Island, on a decent road across the desert, with a speed limit of 86 mph for most of the route. Doing this each morning and each evening is a little tiresome but needs must.

The last trip, at about two in the morning on Monday, was the easiest and we arrived at Dubai International Airport without any drama. An empty airport is once again a thing of beauty now that the world has started to travel again. The following hours were spent in the lounge, finishing off and filing stories, trying to stay awake and then, as dawn was breaking, it was time to hop on to a plane home. I was asleep 30 seconds after hitting the seat.

When I walked in the door at home nine hours later, I was soon gone again for another four or five hours, and then, after waking up for dinner, I slept through Monday night as well, which was quite an achievement given the time confusions of recent months. The end of the F1 season really is like that, particularly this year.

There was a graphic on the world TV feed that claimed that 2022 was the longest ever Formula 1 season. I have not checked the numbers, but I am not sure that is true given that in the 1950s and 1960s there were a lot of first races in January and February and finishes in October and November. It would be shame to let the facts get in the way of a good story, but when it comes to the film and TV world, it is fair to say that truth is quite often an early casualty.

On the grid in Abu Dhabi I have often wished people “Merry Christmas” because as soon as the race ends everyone takes off in every possible direction and to a large extent you don’t see them again before Christmas. Most people take the greeting in the spirit that it is intended and so we end the year with a smile, but when I tried it out on Mattia Binotto the reaction was pretty much what I would have expected if I had called him “a boofhead” instead. It was somewhere between a scowl and daggers flying from his eyes like tracer bullets. I thought this rather odd, but was not going to let it ruin my good mood but on reflection I concluded that either he was very tired and needed some time off (although he was not in Brazil), or that the stories that he might soon be replaced as team principal at Ferrari could possibly be true. Whatever the case, I felt that he has no great future as a Father Christmas, even if he used to wearing red clothing and doling out jolly platitudes.

Prior to this interlude I had discounted the Ferrari upheaval story, on the basis that it sounded so ludicrous. Everyone (and their family pets) had denied that such a thing could be possible. Even Ronald McDonald denied he was in the running for the job, although I did hear that Ferrari sounded out the yachtsman Max Sirena, who has been leading the Luna Rossa Challenge team in the America’s Cup in recent years. The company stated that the rumours about Binotto were all “totally without foundation” and once that was on the record it would be pretty hard to go ahead and guillotine the bloke without looking like a bunch of liars.

Who knows what will happen now? What we do know is that Abu Dhabi was a moment of farewell for a number of F1 folk: Sebastian Vettel drew much of the spotlight, but it was also farewell to Ross Brawn, although he has said goodbye before and then come back again. This time there was no song and dance. An even quieter farewell came from Formula 1 chairman, Chase Carey, who is expected to hang up his chair soon and retire. Chase stepped back from his role as CEO when Stefano Domenicali took over, but has remained as chairman.

As far as I am concerned, Chase is a worker of miracles and his achievement will stand forever in the annals of the sport for convincing all the teams that a budget cap was a great idea. The result is that teams are now all worth upwards of $800 million (probably more) and that many of them will be posting profits when they get around to filing their returns. The sport should put up a statue to Carey for doing that, and add another for Sean Bratches for getting Netflix to undertake “Drive to Survive”.

Formula 1 is now so popular in the United States that Liberty Media boss Greg Maffei last week told financial types that there are certainly rumours of a fourth race in the United States, in addition to Austin (which runs until at least 2026), Miami (2031) and Las Vegas (2032), and that the Mayor of New York Eric Adams had offered F1 the chance to host a race on Randalls and Wards Island.

As the name suggests this used to be two islands until someone filled in the waterway between them. It is now largely parkland although across the top of it runs a major motorway connection that links the Bronx, Brooklyn and Manhattan with what is still called the Triborough Bridge, although it has been named after Robert Kennedy for many years. Maffei said that the idea is “probably not our perfect venue” and that “it’s hard to see that they’re going to shut Central Park for us”. He added that trying to get a race in New York was “a fight we don’t need to have”.

The message was fairly clear: “Mr Adams. Do you have a better offer?”

Meanwhile, down in Miami, the success of this year’s race – even allowing for some teething problems – has resulted in an acceptance in Miami that the event is a “jolly good thing”.  The critics who opposed the race have melted quietly away as it has become clear that  it was a huge success. Miami Dade County voted last week to raise the cap on the amount of money that can be given in grants to Hard Rock Stadium, partly because of the Grand Prix.  The cap was originally set at $5 million per year over  a 20-year period, although this has already snuck up by $1 million to recognise the success of the Miami Open Tennis Tournament. The County now says that it will make a grant of $4 million for each Grand Prix, each World Cup Final and each Super Bowl, with $3 million for other big events. The annual cap is now up to $7 million a year.

This has been done at a time when the County needs to find a new naming sponsor for the FTX Arena, where the Miami Heat basketball team play. This follows the collapse of FTX, which had agreed as $135 million naming rights deal for 19 years.

Elsewhere, Liberty Media has quietly announced that it is going to split to the Atlanta Braves baseball team from the group and create a new unit called Liberty Live. This came about because some investors argued that the value of the Braves was being held back because of the complex structure of shares and various cross-holdings within Liberty Media.  They even argued that F1 might gain in value if it was an independent unit, but it remains tied for the moment to the Xfinity media operation. The split off will mean that none of the three Liberty units will hold shares in the others.

The driver market in Abu Dhabi offered no real surprises as Haas confirmed Nico Hulkenberg and Williams Logan Sargeant, Daniel Ricciardo will become Red Bull reserve driver and if he wants the job, Mick Schumacher will become the Mercedes reserve driver. Things should now be quiet on the driver front until Fernando Alonso falls out with Aston Martin early next year.

The big story of the next few weeks (Ferrari eruptions aside) is that there is unlikely to be a Chinese Grand Prix in 2023 and thus F1 must decide what to do about the one-month gap that will appear in the calendar between Australia on April 1 and Baku on April 30. The logical thing would be for Baku to move forward a week and take place on April 23, which would then get rid of the difficult Baku-Miami back-to-back that was being planned. Baku does not want to move, argung that the weather will not be great, but it is an easy race to move because few spectators attend. And if Baku does not want to go on hosting a Grand Prix, F1 might not be too upset because although the fees from Azerbaijan are high, the strategic value of the race is  somewhat limited.

The Chinese have been hoping that they might find a gap in the F1 calendar in the autumn but there is no sign of that happening although the recent shenanigans about beer and the  FIFA World Cup has done Qatar no good at all, as changing the policy about alcohol sales two days before an event begins is not necessarily the best way to win friends and influence people. It will cause major legal headaches for Qatar, FIFA and Budweiser. Money may smooth over some of the pain, but a settlement will not come cheap. The other thing that this will do is to make other sporting bodies very, very, wary of doing deals with Qatar and such behaviour will mean that the country will need to pay much higher rights fees to attract tournaments in the future. I doubt this will impact much on F1 because the sport is not obviously keen on promoting alcohol, but you never know…

The other announcement of note in Abu Dhabi was no big surprise as F1 gave details of its plans for an all-women series which it will help to fund.  The Formula 1 Academy will feature five teams Formula 2 and Formula 3, each running three Academy Formula 4 cars, at seven events (each with three races). These races will be held on Formula 1 tracks but only one will be held in conjunction with a Grand Prix.  The logic in this is that what the girls need more than anything is track time and the aim will be to get women from this series into Formula 3 within a couple of years. Formula 1 says that it will pay €150,000 towards the budget of each car, with the drivers required to provide another €150,000, with the teams providing the rest. This is rather different from the W Series, which ran into financial trouble this year.

The only other story that reared its ugly head in Abu Dhabi was surrounding Red Bull’s order to Max Verstappen to move over and let Sergio Perez get back ahead on the last lap of the Brazilian race. Max refused and made it clear that there was a very good reason for his actions and the team knew exactly why it happened. This was obviously about some gripe that Verstappen had with Perez and there were soon reports claiming that this was because Sergio had deliberately crashed in qualifying in Monaco and deprived Max of his chance to take pole position (and therefore win). The team jumped in to try to stamp out fires but made things worse by saying that all of its discussions were private and that it was not anyone’s business why it had all happened. This simply fanned the flames because there was no reason to keep secrets unless, of course, admitting things might have caused all kinds of other problems. The whole thing petered out because the FIA showed little interest because while one can prove from data that a crash was suspicious, one cannot prove an intent to crash and one dare not punish a team and damage its reputation if the evidence is not 100 percent certain. So, I guess that we can expect a new rule at some point which will stop drivers benefiting from crashes on the last lap in qualifying. In the interim, Perez came out of this one smelling like a fish market and Red Bull’s attempt to divert attention by trying to turn the whole story into a campaign against nasty social media, looked like someone trying to get past a security man by pointing in the sky, looking shocked and crying “Wow! A flying elephant”.

You can call us F1 observers cynical, but over time we have seen a lot of tricks with smoke and mirrors, and off-stage flashes and bangs to try to disguise sleight of hand.

In the words of the song: “I saw a peanut stand, heard a rubber band, I saw a needle that winked its eye. But I think I will have seen everything, when I see an elephant fly…”

Sorry, Red Bull folks, but that was a major fail…

And now, some more sleep…

62 thoughts on “Green Notebook from the Land of Nod

  1. Hey Joe, great notebook yet again. Hope.yoi manage to recharge the batteries over the winter.

    I know you don’t like links here, but here is a great summary of how Indycar almost managed to stage a street race in Central New York in 1993

    All the best


  2. Thanks for all your words, Joe. Time now to put your feet up, have a glass of red or two and have a great Christmas. See you next year.

    Thanks again,


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  3. “Things should now be quiet on the driver front until Fernando Alonso falls out with Aston Martin early next year.”

    Best one for a while Joe, Chortle!

  4. > Things should now be quiet on the driver front until Fernando Alonso falls out with Aston Martin early next year.

    Are you predicting that a) AM are going to underperform next year, b) they will overtly favour Lance, or c) am I just taking a flippant throwaway joke too seriously?

    To carry on being over literal for a moment, I thought it was going to interesting to see which of Alonso, Gasly or Piastri ends up with buyer’s remorse soonest or worse. Think my money might be on Gasly…

    1. When he bought Force India, Stroll Snr had the opportunity to prove that he was, as I believe he claimed he wanted to be, a ‘serious player’ in the world of F1. However, his actions have proved on more than one occasion that he is just another doting dad – albeit somewhat wealthier than most.
      So, given the above, does anyone really think that there *won’t* be fireworks when Snr favours Jnr over ‘the other driver’?

    2. I think Nando’s history suggests he won’t be as quiet about the obvious bias towards Lance as say, Checo and Seb were.

      Another strange decision by 14. Why go to an underperforming team where the default #1 driver is less talented than his cohort? Daddy will ALWAYS favor Lance, right?

    3. None of them. He’s just saying Alonso will probably fall out with AM next year. The reason(s) is/are lamost irrelevant, because they are many and obvious. But it’s just overwhelmingly more likely he will.

  5. Lovely, lovely…
    In South Africa there is a saying that reads: “the British are to polite to be honest but the Dutch are to honest to be polite”.
    As a Dutchman I must understand that the South Africans have a troubled history with both nationalities. Lovely …and merry everything.

  6. Joe, what a year you have had on the road following the circus, and the Green Notebook has been a reliable and informative companion to supplement the PR and drivel pumped out by other outlets. Thank you for the effort, well above and beyond the can of duty, and it’s very much appreciated. Enjoy the break, it is richly deserved.

  7. Sounds exhausting, but what a life you lead doing something you love.

    There should be some series discussions around Abu Dhabi. The racing is seriously boring. Apart from last year it doesn’t generate good racing, and if it was held during the day the race would be canned already. Only the elements of dusk to dark papers over the lack of on track action.

    1. While last year’s track configuration changes didn’t necessarily improve overtaking, the track itself became more flowing & thus enjoyable to drive.
      Layout-wise, nothing really to do anymore for the racing quality.

  8. Fabulous as always Joe!
    I WILL re-commence being a Subscriber to GP + as soon as the 2023 subscription is available.
    Your excellence must be supported.

  9. I recently found out something rather peculiar and surprising re the US and car racing.
    A friend who’s children’s books sell very well in the US proposed a car racing themed book to his US publisher. Both he and his uK editor were left speechless by the response. The US publisher didn’t want to publish anything to do with car racing as in the US it’s associated with Donal Trump supporters. It’s supposedly politically divisive. Always hard to argue with those who live in a country, so the idea was dropped. Very odd. Maybe in time F1 will change this perception.

  10. Joe, in regard to Mick Schumacher getting the 3rd seat at Mercedes with Toto putting the door wide open for him. Where is his management at? It seems Sabine was nowhere to bee seen after Spa. As if they dropped the ball big time this year. Also, Merry Christmas!

  11. Thanks for your efforts again Joe.
    On the subject of qualifying distorted by crashes, the simple answer would be to allow the 9 remaining contestants all a one lap shootout, with the guy who caused the stoppage not allowed in. If rain affects this, as GR in Brazil, the 9 remaining take the top 9 positions.

    I was pondering other aspects of penalties and how MotoGP (with the long lap) and ADAC German GT Masters (with the on track penalty box in a neutral part of the track) would be helpful in F1. This would allow penalties for offences to be converted from a ‘time / pit / finish time’ aspect to be real and visible on track – and position – penalty such as taking the long lap at pit lane limiter speed – or come to a stop in the “penalty box”. All in full view of the fans.

    Furthermore an idea to mull over across the winter… what about ICE, Turbo, gearbox, technical etc grid penalties? Why not abolish these and convert them from grid penalty position into points penalties at the end of the race, thus allowing the driver to start from his qualifying position and claim a “true” race.

    For example, if a driver has one technical penalty for a replaced part, he cannot achieve 25 pts; 18 pts; 15 pts; 12 pts etc, he is racing for 18pts for 1st place; 14 for 2nd; 11 for 3rd etc etc. If a 2nd part is taken there are subsequent reductions – 15 pts for 1st; 12 for 2nd etc etc.

    Thus we get a clean “natural” race for the glory of a Grand Prix win, but the team and driver take a points penalty affecting championship positions..

    Joe’s contributors out there – any thoughts?

    1. Given the time constraints of Quali on telly, as the modern reality has it, I don’t think there’s a need for an additional one-lap shootout. If a driver crashes on their last lap, causing any other driver to have to abort a lap, then the crashing driver should just lose their fastest lap. If they then have no recorded lap in Q3, they qualify 10th. No other changes to the procedures required.

      1. Literally, nothing is required. I’ve pointed out this before, but drivers shouldn’t get penalized for a mere error when pushing on the absolute.
        Otherwise, we might as well scrap qualifying altogether or return to the 2003-05 single-lap format in which no one can get affected by someone else’s error.
        Penalizing would risk an unintended consequence of drivers opting against going for another flying lap in fear of making a mistake, which would be unbeneficial to everyone.

    2. It ought to be possible to calculate a pit lane drive through penalty speed customised to each circuit to produce a consistent time penalty in terms of number of seconds ie faster for longer pitlanes, slower for shorter ones

    3. The seemingly easiest rule that’s clear would to to delete the fastest lap of the driver causing a red flag. Of course, easier said then done, because they probably need an out for ‘circumstances’ which we can then discuss heatedly whenever that rule isn’t consistently enforced.

  12. As always I totally enjoyed your Green Notebook Joe, it is equally informative & entertaining. A great example being your wonderful line regarding Mr Alonso & Aston Martin!
    I hope you really enjoy the closed season, getting plenty of opportunities to relax, do just what you want to do, and recharge your depleted batteries.
    I will struggle through the closed season without your regular Green Notebook’s to read, but carried through it with the knowledge that there will be more to read next years.
    Please let me take the same opportunity as you did to the folk on the grid in Abu Dabi and with you a very Merry Christmas, and than you.

  13. If only someone understood the opportunity to get nto the calendar and get the South African government to give a sovereign guarantee and Guateng and even surrounding governments to have a levy to help fund the requirements of Kyalami etc, that gap for the Chinese race could be filled. But nothing will happen before December and the ANC conference.

    Meanwhile an opportunity to market the country has gone

  14. Hi Joe

    Yet another great Green Notebook to round-off this season – many thanks for your continued dedication to ‘our’ sport and for your insightful, reliable and honest reporting. As every year, much appreciated!

    BTW, did you know there is a hamlet in East Riding of Yorkshire (near where I grew-up) called the Land of Nod? I remember being intrigued by one of those old-fashioned signposts pointing towards it when I was a young boy . . .

    FYI: Land of Nod is the name of a hamlet in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England. It is located at the far end of a two-mile-long (3.2 km) road, which joins the A614 road at Holme-on-Spalding-Moor (53.8185°N 0.7215°W).

    Please enjoy your time in the Land of Nod over the next few weeks and months.

    Best wishes.

  15. The 1965 South African GP was held on January 1st, which I presume means that the practice sessions actually took place in 1964. The season concluded in Mexico in late October, with 10 races actually run coz Austria got cancelled – the Zeltweg airfield circuit having been deemed too likely to make all the cars fall to bits.

    Sleep well, Sir!

  16. Excellent piece as always, Joe.
    Just one thing though – the ‘Good’ Book may state that the Land of Nod is/was east of Eden (hmm, that might be a good title for a book); but according to my Big Book of Maps it’s actually a hamlet near Holme upon Spalding Moor in Yorkshire.
    I know many of that county’s residents claim that it’s ‘God’s Own Country’ – but please, don’t give them any MORE ammunition!!

  17. Re: Binotto – what was it they used to say on ‘Yes Minister’? “Never believe anything until it’s been officially denied”?

    Enjoy the break Joe, thoroughly deserved! BTW – Will you be doing your ‘FFs’ again this year?

  18. How about reverting to one lap shootouts for Monaco qualifying? That would stop the games. Liberty seems open minded enough to play things differs.

  19. Three in one country within a single season is more than enough, so hopefully, not more someday.
    Seven days don’t really make a difference weather-wise, but still understandable, more so for the event’s build-up process planning.
    Btw, Good joke about Alonso.

  20. Just wanted to add my thanks for making F1 come alive for those of us too far away from or too poor to afford attendance at the actual events. Your work is much appreciated!

  21. Meanwhile poor Nicholas Latifi snuck out the back door to resume his real life, stocking shelves at dad’s pasta shop.

      1. Tongue in cheek. The company has many, many brands in Canada. Given Latifi’s racing CV, just disappointed that he never got a shot at one of the better teams.

        1. What would be the point of being in a better team if he could not outpeform his team mates in the team he was in? I appreciate George Russell is something special, but he has not got close to Alex Albon either often enough.

          1. I agree. His climb up the ladder took forever and he only got into F1 because of family money. Sad when there are more deserving F2 drivers whose dreams have died due to lack of coin.

            1. Yes but there is not a racing driver in formula one that has not risen to the top without external financial help.
              Senna, banco national, prost, Elf, Schumacher was funded by Wili Weber, Hamilton by Ron Dennis, how is latifi any different.
              Perhaps Joe has an answer but there is probably not one driver in the modern era going back to the 80s that hadn’t had support.

  22. As per usual, fantastic piece of writing and insight! Love your work Joe! Looking forward to 2023. This is not a critique but as a Native New Yorker I must let you know that the Triborough Bridge connects the boroughs of Queens, Manhattan and the Bronx and not Brooklyn, Manhattan and the Bronx.

  23. Thank you for the great reports and for sharing your adventures again this year, sir!

    This was certainly a long, often exhausting season. And fun. I had not seen that Ross Brawn was stepping aside. To my opinion it was he who won the year. From porpoising, to close following, to the new tires (or should I say tyres out of fear of being branded an American Netflix loser), all of which culminated in a great season finish in Brazil and Abu Dhabi. We saw Leclerc nose out Perez for 2nd, Riccardo and Vettel battling for their soon to be former teams, George Russell convincingly beating his teammate, and excitement for next year extremely high.

    If you see Mr. Brawn please tell him thanks from all of us!

    Enjoy your rest…

  24. Thanks Joe for another season of great travelogues, history with added F1.

    Everyone caries at least one gem to brighten up the day, for me, today’s was.

    – Things should now be quiet on the driver front until Fernando Alonso falls out with Aston Martin early next year.

    Enjoy the well earned break.

  25. HI, Joe.

    Thanks for another great year of the notebook.

    A fourth race in the states? Must be trying to grab all the $ as soon as possible. Gotta, lower the ticket prices though.


  26. Thank you for your most epic season traveling the world and keeping us hardcore fans up to date. I was in Las Vegas for work the day they were setting up for F1, managed to meet Kim Ilyman, but no other F1 people. I think that race is going to be quite a spectacle, but will primarily appeal to the trust fund and ultra high net worth crowds with the projected price of rooms and tickets. Las Vegas has already said bye to offering cheap food and drinks to lure gamblers because they still come when it’s outrageously over priced. A simple fast food lunch of a main, side, and water at Caesar’s is now $30-35 for one person, I imagine this will be $50 during the race weekend.

    1. I agree. It’s going to be a logistical nightmare too. Everything is going to be hyper-concentrated in that one area. At least in Miami and Austin the event is spread out over an entire city (so to speak). I passed up my ticket buying appointment because I didn’t want to be a hostage to outrageous food/lodging prices.

  27. Big thanks for the Green Notebook, GP+ and JSBM! Have a well deserved relaxing vacation! Hope to hear you on one or two Missed Apex specials over the winter. And please, more one-liners like the Alonso one. 😉

  28. Totally agree with you with the Verstappen/Perez/Red Bull fisaco. I said on here after the race that the reason given for Max not letting him through was codswallop, and I still believe it was just sheer petulance. I never believed for one second the stories being slung around about Monaco – but now the aftermath is even worse. Perez having to apologise to Verstappen? I mean, what for exactly? I still haven’t worked it out.

    Then there were comments made by Perez immediatley after all this was over. He said that if the car was good enough, he was thinking about a challenge for the title in 2023……….

    Oh dear. I imagine the Red Bull PR Brigade (Heavy Division) will have read that and thought “we need to have words.”

    In short, not whilst Verstappen is in that no.1 seat Checo.

    Then there were comments made by Perez during the race. He was complaining that Max was holding him up – whilst Max was 4 seconds in front!!

    That all just signifies to me that this isn’t over yet and something is still rumbling on behind the scenes. That comment during the race, although nonsense, was just Checos way of saying – “if you think I’m just going to be a complaint yes man and just roll over and be quiet, think again.”

    So we’ve had the Webber/Vettel shenanigans, that pushed Webber into retirement. Then there was the Verstappen/Ricciardo shenangigans, which lead to Ricciardo leaving. Then they chewed through 2 young drivers who could not fulfil the impossible remit of driving a car totally built and set up for Max. Then they finally settled on Perez who fits the bill perfectly. Perez was instrumental in Max winning his first WDC. And now they’ve put his nose out of joint.

    This isn’t over yet I feel. I mean it’s like groundhog day in that team. The same thing just keeps being repeated over and over and over again.

    I’m expecting more shenannigans next year.

    1. Davey P, I fell like you’ve got a lot of shenangigans…er…shenannigans…er…shenanigans going on in your post.

  29. All this talk of long seasons reminded me of those pictures of a Lotus 72 in the snow. I wasn’t surprised to discover it was a non-Championship race (BRDC International Trophy, Silverstone 1973). But I was a bit more surprised to realise it was on the *8th April*. And I was imagining that someone had decided to have a race on New Year’s Eve or something …

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