Here’s the 2024 F1 entry list

The FIA has published its entry list for 2024 wih one or two curious things worth noting. There are no changes for the major teams except that Aston Martin has dropped the Cognizant name. Scuderia AlphaTauri has not yet changed its name but will probably do so before the season begins. The name of the chassis is simply RB, which wuld fit with the suggestion that the team will become known Racing Bulls. The Alfa Romeo name has disappeared, as expected, and the Swiss cars to now be known as Kick Saubers, it remains to be seen as to what commentators will call the machines but things could get quite confusing if, for example, there is “a Kick off” or “a Kick up the exhaust”. Still, money talks…

12 thoughts on “Here’s the 2024 F1 entry list

  1. No one calls the Aston Martin team ‘Aston Martin Aramco’ which was also present on last years entry list, so hopefully common sense prevails and we all call them Sauber.

  2. “Did you see Stake F1 team kick Sauber?” sounds like a gang up on Peter.

    Or maybe they should be entered in the “The Crown Royal Presents the John Wayne Walding 400 at The Brickyard and the Heluva Good!”

  3. Do you think Sauber’s commercial director will have to explain, “So, Peter, maybe best not attend any races this season. Just to be on the safe side.”

  4. The sequencing appears odd. There is no consistency of the ‘billing’ order within teams, either alphabetically, numerically or by 2023 WDC placings. Or have I missed something?

      1. Yes, the teams are in Constructors’ Championship order, as expected, it’s the apparent inconsistency of the order of the drivers within the teams that puzzled me.

        Have a great Christmas and best wishes for 2024.

        1. It’s the teams’ choice.

          It’s been traditional for teams to list their more “important” drivers first in the list, by whatever metric they so choose. Some teams eschew that so as to give drivers their preferred t-bar cam colours, which is “first car = black, second car = yellow”. Hence Lewis being nominally listed as the second merc driver for FIA entry purposes recently, to match his helmet.

  5. @Graham (over the) Hill the order is confusing. Traditionally it is the “second” driver within the teams entry who is given the yellow highlight on the top of the chassis (for differentiation)

    but I’ve noticed several drivers over the last few years opting to remain the teams “second driver” in order to work that into their own branding.

    Namely Hamilton and Norris who are listed second in the list. Hamilton has his neon yellow branding and accents on the cars. Norris remained the second driver alongside Ricciardo and Piastri as a continuation of when he was alongside Sainz. Sainz now also uses the yellow at Ferrari to make a Spanish-flag-like colour combo where Charles uses the Red and White of the Monagasque flag.

    It’s all quite interesting… Maybe.

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