Arrest warrant issued for Mallya

India’s Enforcement Directorate announced on Monday that a court in Mumbai has granted its request for an arrest warrant to seek Mallya. The agency wishes to question him about allegations that a $135,000 loan from the IDBI bank was used to buy property overseas. Mallya’s UB Group put out a statement saying that the warrant was “unjustified,” saying that it would provide details to account for the money.

Last week, India suspended Mallya’s diplomatic passport at the request of the Enforcement Directorate. The tycoon left India on March 2 and has been in England ever since

51 thoughts on “Arrest warrant issued for Mallya

  1. Let’s hope he doesn’t try and succeed in getting political asylum in the UK, we’ve already got a full quota of iffy politicians as it is.

      1. Tip of the iceberg. If memory doesn’t fail there are around 20 lenders (banks) owed by this person(age). And lest we forget employees of the various businesses.

    1. What kind of place could this buy that would satisfy him? Vijay’s style would be severely cramped in such an abode.

  2. Why does Mallya have a diplomatic passport and not a regular passport like the rest of us. He is a businessman not a member of the government, I don’t understand why he’d have diplomatic status.

    Do you have an explanation for his unusual status Joe?

    1. Vijay Mallya had a diplomatic passport because he was an MP in the Rajya Sabha which is the Upper House in the Indian Parliment.

      They don’t just hand out diplomatic passports here just because its India.

        1. Diplomatic Passports are general awarded to members of the elite class in Commonwealth countries; e.g. the UK, Canada and Jamaica. Hence, Usain Bolt travels on one

          1. Canada does not issue Diplomatic passports to ‘elite class’ Alex. Canadian Diplomatic passports have a red cover and only issued to high-ranking government officials, diplomats and representatives and Canadian government delegates to organizations or conferences. Green covers are issued to office-holders like MPs, senators, provincial cabinet members, and non-diplomats employed by the government who are traveling on an official mission abroad. Global Affairs Canada do not issue these passports lightly nor do they hand them out to movie stars, track stars and self important billionaires.

            Canada gave up its ‘elite classes’ in 1867 when we gave up our colony status. (Grin)

            1. The Maestro frowns on commenters spending too much time on non-F1 issues; so this is my final comment on the passport “caper.’ In Canada there are indeed two types of Diplomatic Passports; The Red and the Green. As you dutifully outlined the differentiation is nominal. One may however, called the Green one a Quasi-Diplomatic Passport. It is indeed provided to these spectrum of officials that you identified.

              It’s also provided to select members of the elite class. E.g. the former proprietor of the Telegraph, and current Peer in the House of Lords, The Lord Black of Crossharbour and his spouse Barbara have been using for many years their green passports. I’m not certain if, due to various complications, Lord Black still owns one.

              One of the benefits that these passport holders get, is not needing to always obtain visas for foreign travel. This also a drawback, since they do not get to experience the ‘special joyous event’ that Joe experiences annually trying to secure a Chinese visa. (Pun intended – couldn’t resist, Joe).

              Finally, as the holder of a very, very premium credit card, I enjoy more privileges, than DP holders, at airports. E.g. First-class check-in; Upgrade privileges; Access to Special Security Lanes; Access to the Maple Leaf Lounge and to more than 1000 premium lounges worldwide; Special baggage allowances including the first luggage to be unloaded etc. A quasi-DP would be a significant step-down for me.


        2. Diplomatic Passports are generally issued to select members of the elite class in Commonwealth countries such as the UK, Canada, and Jamaica. E.g. star athlete such as Usain Bolt travels on one

  3. Joe, what does this mean exactly – “India suspended Mallya’s diplomatic passport ” …… this – he now cannot travel on an Indian passport, or an Diplomatic Passport ??? and I can bet he has already bought a few passports from different countries around the world.

    1. Indians are apparently not legally allowed more than one and have to change nationality to get new ones

  4. Joe do you think the Indian authorities have gone for whichever warrant was easiest to process, just to try to get him back in the country? A bit like getting Al Capone on tax charges!

  5. No doubt Joe will rebuke me for this and point out that Mallya has damaged many people; I do ‘get’ how naughty VJM has been for ages – but…. his antics have if nothing else been an engaging corner of the sometimes preposterous Formula One tapestry.

      1. Thank you for the implication that I am laughing at people’s suffering. That is not the case. Some might say that sanctimoniousness is dysfunctional too.

  6. Vijay is a little like the Scarlet Pimpernel:

    “They seek him here, they seek him there
    Those Frenchies [ Indians ] seek him everywhere
    Is he in heaven or is he in hell?
    That damned elusive Pimpernel”

      1. First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out
        Because I was not a Socialist.

        Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out
        Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

        Then they came for Vijay Mallya
        I said “He’s over there, behind the wardrobe”.

  7. After digging deeper then the options available at this time are –
    For Mallya –
    – Respond to MEA notice and meet Indian Officials in London.
    – Return to India and face the Supreme Court
    – Refuse summons and face permanent revocation of passport, and charges by Indian Agencies.

    Next steps for Indian Government.
    – Wait for Mallya’s response
    – Move competent court for non bailable warrant.
    – Request Interpol to issue a Red notice against Mallya.
    – File extradition request with UK as per 1993 Treaty

  8. Dear Joe, all
    I am no silk, but….. It seems curious that the best the Indian authorities could chase him for was a lousy $135k.
    I can’t help but wonder if there is a game of ‘going through the motions here- a strategy of being seen to do something, and, then, throwing the hands up in the air in a charade of ‘failing heroically’- given that there seems, at this point, no mention of seeking extradition.
    Re: suspension of diplomatic passport. I admit complete ignorance on this. Can someone please enlighten me- exactly how does this impact upon him, and, what options does he have as regards procuring a passport, for instance, from some banana republic which lacks any sort of extradition agreement with India.

  9. Dear Joe, all
    After my previous entry, did a Google search ‘news on Vijay Mallya’.
    Inter alia, I found an editorial in ‘The Hindu’, titled ‘Grounding Vijay Mallya’- the final paragraph-
    ‘It cannot afford to lend the impression that it allowed Mr Mallya leave India at a crucial stage in the legal proceedings for recovery of the money due from him, and is not doing enough to submit him to the process of the law’. ‘It’ refers to the Central Government.
    The whole editorial seems to me to be giving positive reinforcement to the withdrawal of passport and other legal actions initiated, whilst at the same time, inferring the possibility that there may be the risk of a bit of lip service going on.
    Of course, everyone is equal in the eyes of the law, aren’t they? So, there is not a snowflake’s chance in hell that Vijay’s status, as an elected servant of the people, might lead to the law being applied to him with less than full force, is there?? Nah, not in a million years.

  10. Joe, please note that the amount involved is USD 135 million not 135 grand as you have mentioned. In India rupees, this pertains to an INR 900 crore fraud allegedly perpetrated by VJM.

  11. Does anyone happen to know if Mallya’s total liabilities (assuming the authorities can stick the airline debt on him) could be covered if he were to liquidate all his assets ?

      1. Very cryptic ! I assume he has from what I can work out but now seems to be blaming the govt for withdrawing his passport saying he cannot negotiate under these conditions

      2. Forgot to say that there are some money laundering accusations so maybe he will be forced to pay up as part of a larger agreement as he will not want to join Roy inside !

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